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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The epiphany of man


TBR-Leighton Bradford, Editor-in-Chief
The fundamental quest for a life free from crime and tyranny resides around becoming the apparent standard for our existence! We must sever the ties between law enforcement and organized crime.  Unless the ethnicity of man commits to countering organized crime; and the social degradation that ensues, you are signing a contract that guarantees hell.  Delving into an honest explanation, begins where an unsatiable appetite for drugs has transformed our existence. The demand for this nasty habit persists. No matter the ethnicity, we are all one. I see the shores beyond my existence and freedom abounds. 

 A hard decision goes beyond an individual intervention. We must secure our borders and give alternative options to drug producing entities! Create a treatise on narcotics. Reward eco-manufacturing and micro business to the impoverished. Negotiate GATT directives.  Increase the professional and moral cops' salaries. The police should have free lodging, healthcare and groceries. An incentive not to be tempted by illicit means. We need a national citizen review board for law enforcement. There has to be some accountability. 

Why don't my Hebrew brothers help us come to terms with the Black holocaust. Individuals of African descent are still feeling the effects. We are one. Individuals of African descent control a trillion dollars of GDP, but we still allow these "awe shucks" and jack leg preachers to dictate policy. My grandparents once told me "The last refuge for the scoundrel, is the pulpit"! To my brothers, we have to honor our women and get them out of these cowardly situations. These brothers are not going to risk the cleanliness of their tailored suits to fight or protect us from tyranny. Passing the plate is not paying someone in distress bills. Life has humbled me, one foot up, one foot down.

The oligarchs are approaching. The spheres rise from hell to place doubt on a heterosexual man's existence. There are brother's that would rather switch than fight! An epiphany of understanding lounges upon the pain caused by violence, crime, drug dealing and the ensuing ills of an apparent social degradation. The nigga with sacrilegious markings on his body and sagging pants has become the twisted standard for Black male prowess. Size does not make the man. If your removed off your square because someone ridicules you about your height, weight, finances, meditate. Know thyself. My brethren shall squash the beef. It's about a legitimate financial portfolio.

When we have a well-educated, attractive, credentialed Black woman running for the highest position in the land, rebuke the Blackman in a relationship; it's time to reassess our standing as Blackmen. We can't except the hustle "MY NIGGA"! Pushing weight or the street distinction of a chemist detracts from the Black family structure! Lord have mercy, the "dreamed deferred" of individuals of African descent. Our culture has had the patience of Job. A Black man's patience should be worn thin with our existence.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

We've had to make a difficult decision about AZ.

TBR — Special to John Soltz, IRAQ WAR Veteran-tonight is Arizona’s primary election. After this, Ruben Gallego heads into the general.

Arizona is a MUST WIN STATE, and in advance of this important deadline we had to make a difficult decision. Please, let us explain why. As one of our most important supporters, we owe you that much.

The polls show Arizona is one of the most competitive states in the country. Ruben Gallego, a longtime member of VoteVets and a Veteran of the Iraq war, is running against Kari Lake in Arizona’s U.S. Senate campaign.

A race like that is going to cost millions of dollars to win, and believe us: it is critical that Ruben wins. Kari Lake is as dangerous a politician as there is these days, a direct threat to our democracy.

The trouble is, our fundraising just hasn’t been as strong as we anticipated after the events of the last few weeks — weak enough that we’ve had to reconsider some of our commitments. With Ruben under attack we knew we had to defend him, but the money wasn’t in the budget.

This was a difficult decision, but we knew what we needed to do. We greenlit the spend, even though we weren’t sure how we’d cover the cost. VoteVets ran $500,000 in ads in Arizona last month, and we’ve just committed another $800,000 right now, a serious amount.

We’re not telling you this to brag, We’re telling you because we need your help. If you’re with us, and if you can afford it, can you chip in to help cover the cost?

Use this link to chip in $5, or anything you can. It would go a long way towards filling our budget gap after we started running those as. If we raise more, we can do more. If we don’t, we’ll have to pull back — and that could hurt our chances this November.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:


Thank you in advance for your support,

The team at VoteVets



Use of military rank, job titles or photographs in uniform does not imply the endorsement of the Department of Defense, Departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or the Marines or Space Force.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Introducing "Soul Solace"

Thank you from Mr. Bradford 

TBR-Leighton Bradford, Editor-in-Chief

Nima will now be introduced; Malik’s lady, cute, and loves her some Malik. Malik and Nima are engaged to be married. Nima is terribly funny, the life of the party; W.T. likes Nima listen, “Malik is that my button, ask her where her mama is?” He also likes her fine as wine mother, Black women are like wine, and the older they get the more robust da flava? A mystery that adjust to her abrupt surrounding. Nima is sassy, yet delicate as the soft petal of a flower. Her purpose remains ahead no doubt, her obstacles a few behind. Ever present faith, not a shame to confess her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Malik and Nima are the quote, unquote salt of the earth. Both were raised down south; mostly collard greens and ribs, and a whole lot of love. Nima, Nima go ahead with ya bad self; moreover, the host of men track her essence, that sistah you dream of, too good to be true, so similar to mama. A distinct persona, with the ability to change the hearts of men. Said memory stays a little while, it lounges, it rests just so. Brother down the street likes what he envisions. Nima is no different in many regards, than say Sage or Mandee; you just have to be there to understand! Malik, my man is playing Anita Baker, her melody plays like a distant memory. He has love on his mind, as the music prepares your soul for deliverance.

As the chords play out ever so softly, life is contemplated, his place in it, and the girl of your dreams. Heaven has paid us a visit, so it seems. Every time you think of that thing that keeps you tossing and turning at night; restless is the desire, restless. Malik sits down and writes Nima a poem:

Singular purpose and my mind glides around your thoughts.

Speak tenderness, perpetual love thang no doubt.

There are no boundaries for our midst.

So the visual aspects of flesh adhering to one another.

Clean lines struck to silence, because my love it’s all about you.

Wasted motions; presumed humanity, waning act of unadulterated caress.

I may vibe female menagerie, caught up in the movement, on the secondhand analogy, to the sheer vision that lies before me. Placement of my hand towards the small of her back, til’ round midnight I will let go.

Because my love it’s all about you

Hope to change the world with what God reveals to my soul. I just can’t take it anymore. The depths of misery known to all brothers’ whom and have loved. Don’t let her know tho, she will have you in the palm of her hand. Then she said, “Hear me Blackman it’s all about you.”

Tight curves on an anatomy that is heavily endowed. Clandestine touch reaching on the fringe of a pause. A slowing effect on a couples overall surreal occupation. Rhythm and sounds alleviates the refrain. Formulated continuum for us to enjoy. Elevated mind; because obviously its love!

All Rights Reserved Intellectual Property Of Leighton Bradford (BE

Thursday, November 16, 2023

And then came the crisis

TBR-Op-Ed Leighton Bradford, Editor-in-Chief 

[Previously written article posted by request. 2011v2]

Regardless of the medium of operation or the manner by which its observed; Americans are within their deepest despair! The economic situation is so difficult for the multitude of our country's citizens, it must be compared to the depression of the 1930's. The current economic crisis is just as insidious as any terror plot. The lack of jobs and opportunity, become a direct attack on our national security. It seems helping veterans is not En vogue as well?

These returning heroes are not receiving the respect they ultimately deserve. Why is homelessness, un-employment and suicide so rampant within this segment of our society? The epic struggles of President Obama's administration; mirrors President Franklin D. Roosevelt's battle, with the Great Depression and WWII! Where is the paper? A common questioned asked by many. The criticism of the President from Dr. Cornel West and Tavis Smiley intrigues me? I mean we are a democracy, your take on things is allowed. Man! Well educated men not offering any solutions, interesting. If they were President, what would they do?

President Lincoln had the intestinal fortitude and will, keeping our nation together. President Obama has the guts to defy the conventional wisdom of critics; moreover, an attempt to create the groundwork and the opportunity to chase the American dream. How similar are the leadership styles between FDR and President Obama? A war being wage on several fronts, along with economic stagnation, coincide with FDR and the countries historically systemic problems. If Bernanke and Geithner can't inject capital relief, what is the use of their services? President Obama needs a new deal of our era. The stock market is fundamentally a house of wares or concentrated mercantilism. It should not have such an influence on our economy. Maybe legislation should be passed requiring diversity within the various financial markets. If one takes a hit; the blow would be diffused, by the other entities. A sort of Sherman Act of Financial Markets. Warren Buffet told talk show host Charlie Rose housing upstart's or construction, maybe the central catalyst, within a recovering economy?

Newt Gingrich opposed almost everything Clinton tried to accomplish. President William Jefferson Clinton still reigned in the deficit and created a surplus! President Clinton had a somewhat willing Gingrich, and bi-partisan support, achieving this goal. How do we get there economically? Small business, trade reform, managing the relationship with the EU and the middle class, will save our economy. The average working American needs help! Interest rates will spike, bringing the pain to an already troubled housing market. The ever-widening gap between the haves and have nots will expand.

The subtle extinction of the middle class and the affluent working class is tantamount to a present-day feudalism! Conservatives are urging their corporate captains, to take measures that will make the president look bad. The bailout worked! President Obama's administration saved capitalism! Lenin and Marx haunt the corridors of the Federal Reserve, enticing the proletariat and hemming up the bourgeoisie. History will place President Obama among the elite presidents. Put him on Mt. Rushmore! What else is there to do? (TBR)

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release August 10, 2011 Readout of the President's Meeting with Chairman Bernanke

The President and Chairman Bernanke met today in the Oval Office to discuss the economy and global recovery. They were joined by Secretary Geithner, Chief of Staff Daley and NEC Director Sperling. The President and the Chairman discussed the outlook for the recovery and for jobs as well as fiscal issues, including the need to tackle long-term deficit reduction. They also discussed the situation in Europe. This was the third time the President met with the Chairman this year.
[Intellectual property of White House--Press release] TBR

Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Mountain Top

TBR-Editor-in-Chief Leighton Bradford
Our country is being ravaged by the inherent biasedness and inequalities of our fundamental existence. The social media generation uses technology to counter the effects of social upheaval. The police killings of Blacks created a social upheaval. Not to mention coming of age during the economic crisis.  Let's not forget to mention Covid-19. There is going to be a PAX AMERICANA, unless we counter the assault on heterosexual relationships. The Obama/Biden administration spent too much time on non-heterosexual issues and not issues significant to individuals of African descent! I applaud their saving of our democracy. The aforementioned generation has to win. Some of them have the patience of Job. I try not to be so hard on my kids or aka millennials or Generation Zer's! I was blown away by their exorcism of the digital divide. They took it to the streets!  My God! This generation has been hit with an epic, global continental crisis.  
A number of small, digital, flexible businesses have emerged. They took a negative financial situation and turned it into a nimble adapting business model. The world erupted--after the police shootings of specified individuals of African descent and the rest of America.  I have nothing but respect and admiration for the aforementioned group. They understand white supremacists are trying to quail the Black Messiah! Any spiritual messenger loves all of humanity. 

 Individuals of African descent have a God given and constitutional right to defend themselves. I ask assuredly where are our fundamental leaders? Let's reach out to Brazil, the Carribean, and Africa. We need to understand the effects of the African Diaspora! 

The epic war in Ukraine transcends ethnicity. Their struggle mirrors the fundamental struggle for Black self-determination.  God bless Ukraine!  I respect and admire my fellow European Americans who respect me. TheBradfordReview argued the need to include them within the EU/NATO years ago!  Supremacists are using alternative lifestyle choices to undermine Black prosperity! Black women need to challenge their fundamental power. Black women are the backbone of our race! It's about how you physically came into this world. 

 What is the tactical and strategic plan for reparations, and a respected existence? And then came the movement.  Individuals of African Descent within the USA, need to report criminal activity.  Just because you speak Spanish as an individual of African descent does not mean you are Spanish/European. The U.S. census creates a demographic subterfuge as it relates to the coming together of Indvidual's of African descent. The US should not allow this to become a calculated effort to divide and conquer. Demand reparations for the historical effects of slavery! Similar to my beloved individuals of Hebrew descent. Black people need to explore and open a dialogue with Mali/Kemet/Egypt. Mali/Kemet/Egypt is our homeland or heritage! Egypt, Mali, South Africa, Nigeria and Timbuktu are worth striving for similar to Israel. Africans need to embrace one initiative that President Nelson Mandela sacrificed his freedom for! This initiative revolves around individuals of African Descent unifying and staving off the horrific effects, of the African Diasporic slave trade. 

This generation of individuals of African descent need to secure NUCLEAR POWER! Nuclear power plants, technologies, and renewable energies that promote a healthy ecology.  Individuals of African descent need to adopt cyber control of our interest. Black people need to control their own means of production. Individuals of African descent need to come together and put our differences aside and adopt a Pan-African Tribunal and liaison to the United Nations. Defend our Black leaders with a social contract, identifying points of contention. We need to argue the sound construct of reparations!    

Sunday, November 13, 2022

United Nations Letter of Concern

 To:        United Nations Association (Canada)

               309 Cooper Street Suite 300

               Ottawa, ON K2P0G5

From:    Leighton Bradford

Within my analysis and observation of ensuing injustices against humanity; I plead with this international body, to help my people free ourselves from the disproportional high rate of incarceration of Black men, within the United States and its borders. It is no coincidence that within the United States, several constitutional violations have occurred involving under-representation, Habeas Corpus infractions, 9th Amendment violations surrounding excessive fines and bails, cruel and unusual punishment, the denial of procedural due process, etc...

Peace becomes the sanctioned love of anyone who deplores violence. The constitution becomes an ever-eroding piece of parchment, if the basic human rights of Black men are not acknowledged. Privatized prisons warehouse Black Souls, as if an individual should become a lucrative venture, traded as though it were cotton, on a given Stock Exchange. My spirituality professes the mutual respect and admiration of at least a decent human being, Irregardless of race, creed, economic standing, and previous condition of servitude. 

Oppression becomes camouflage by the certain niceties of modern living. Dear heavenly Father, I humble my soul so as to accept the blessings that true freedom allows. The aforementioned passages express the hope I have for humanity, and this entity's ability to provide a means of conflict resolution. Freedom is a natural right of every human being residing on this earth. It becomes the responsibility of the gifted and strong to commit to this purposeful ideal. I am offering my God given abilities to save my people from the effects of tactical genocide. A moratorium on race and suffering within the United States must begin with the cease and desist of privatized prisons and the creation of a legal defense fund for the down-trodden, oppressed and abused. Young Black men have a right to exist with all of the rights afforded any human being.

The racial profiling of Black men must come to an end. Violence serves no purpose to an individual who respects self. I would be so apt as to placing this issue within the global framework, of crimes against humanity.


Leighton Bradford

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Leighton Bradford contribution to UPSCALE magazine



Saturday, October 9, 2021

Editor: Leighton Bradford, Article Houston LaVida News

TBR - Leighton Bradford, Editor-in-Chief - originally published Houston/La Vida News
Popular culture is ever so reluctant to let Tupac Shakur go despite the death of the entertainer a short time ago. Is there any correlation between his death and the working towards the demise of other leaders? Are Black male leaders being purged from American society, making way for an ideal or premise that coincides with white supremacy?

 During the time of Jesus, a ruler by the name of Herod engaged in what was described as infanticide of male hebrews. Ron Brown (Fmr. Secretary of Commerce), Tupac Shakur, Mickey Leland, El Hajj Malik Shabazz, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Marcus Garvey and Huey Newton are a number of Black men silenced for whatever reason.

What will this become, yet another conspiracy theory? Or will society come to grips with this disturbing trend? Another variable within this equation revolves around the high incarceration and death rate of Black men. How can a scholar or African leader live with the destruction of hope? There also remains the short list of Black men hemmed up over trumped up charges and imprisoned because of it. If only we could see into the past, maybe the future. What would we do? Maybe adjust flaws of character, and bring back Moses? Are any of these acts or actions related? What measures will some take to keep power out of the hands of Africans? Geo-political destabilization of Africa and America may benefit a white supremacist ideal; our old friend divide and conquer rears its ugly head. The aforementioned issues suggest fault--I ask candidly, who is to blame? There is a belief that certain elements within American society are administering policies which seek to destroy or destabilize the American Black male.

Young Blackmen are not being nurtured to hold power. So similar are the tactics of Herod, attuned with the shadowy enemy of a would-be messiah. Is there a direct correlation between a male leader of African descent, and an effort to work towards his demise? In college, some taught the varying aspects of logic, be it deductive  or inductive. Why not borrow from this concept, and begin to look further in what has been suggested. Maybe it's a coincidence that so many Black male leaders have been assualted. W.E. B. Dubois spent his mature years in Accra, Ghana. Dubois may have washed his hands of society's treatment of individuals of African descent. Hopefuly life for young Black men can be productive and prosperous so long as King Herod doesn't get a hold of them. Our current leaders have yet to devise a plan which embraces the young Black male, in an apprentice like posture, preparing them for leadership. So many questions, so few answers--our faith shall respond to all.


Friday, July 16, 2021

The first Chinese American woman to fly for the U.S. military.

TBR-  Special To

 By Tech. Sgt Jim Araos, Air Force News Services

Hazel Ying LeeBorn and raised in Portland, Oregon, Hazel Ying Lee became the first Chinese American woman to earn a pilot’s license and fly for the U.S. military under the Army Air Corps.

Lee’s bravery and service record paved the way to secure military status for women pilots and echoed a legacy of equality and inclusion.

In her youth, Lee had a passion for becoming a pilot. After graduating from high school, she took a job as an elevator operator to earn money for flight lessons. At the age of 19, she joined the Chinese Flying Club of Portland, took flying lessons, and earned her pilot's license.

In 1933, Lee went to China in the hopes of becoming a military pilot. The Chinese air force turned her down because women were not allowed to become pilots. Despite the adversity, she remained in China, working a military desk job and occasionally flying for a commercial airline. When the Second Sino-Japanese War began in 1937, Lee again attempted to join the Chinese air force and was again rejected due to her gender.

Lee returned to the United States in 1938 and worked for the Chinese government in New York as a buyer of war materials.

In the fall of 1942, Lee applied for the Women’s Flying Training Detachment, which later merged with the Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron to become the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots or WASP. She began her training at Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas, where she learned to fly a variety of military planes. As one of only two Chinese American pilots in the WASP program, Lee relished her role and ethnicity. She enjoyed teaching her fellow WASPs about her Chinese culture and Asian cuisine and even helped her classmates inscribe their nicknames in Chinese characters on their aircraft using red lipstick.

After training in Texas, Lee was stationed at the Air Transport Command’s Romulus Army Air Base, Michigan. While there, she flew in a Boeing-Stearman PT-17, a North American T-6 Texan, and a Boeing C-47 transporting military passengers and cargo. For Lee, flying was a way for her to feel the freedom she didn’t have on the ground. Her passion for flight drove her to pursue a qualification in flying single-engine fighter aircraft, which she earned through a Pursuit School in Brownsville, Texas, in 1944. While there, she familiarized herself with the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, North American P-51 Mustang, and Bell P-63 King Cobra.

Although she achieved a pinnacle of flight prowess, Lee was still often mistakenly seen as a Japanese enemy due to her appearance. During an emergency landing on a Kansas farm, she was chased down by farmers with pitchforks as she was mistaken for a Japanese aggressor. Lee was able to settle the confusion but not before suffering anguish as a result of their prejudice.

In World War II, Lee and other pursuit pilots delivered more than 5,000 fighters to Great Falls, an essential link in supplying Russian allies with planes.

During a routine aircraft transport to Great Falls, Montana, a faulty communication between the air traffic controllers caused Lee’s P-63 to collide with another P-63. She was able to land her damaged and burning plane, but she was severely injured. On Nov. 25, 1944, she died of her injuries. A few days after her death, her family was informed her brother, Victor, was killed in action in France. The two siblings are buried at River View Cemetery in Portland.

River View Cemetery initially refused to bury the siblings alongside white Portlanders, but their sister wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the cemetery allowed it. Lee was denied military death benefits because the WASPs were considered civilians.

In 1977, after years of fighting for recognition, the WASPs were granted veteran status along with full benefits. In 2010, Lee and the other 1,073 women who served as WASPs received the Congressional Gold Medal.

Lee is now regarded as a local heroine in Portland and recognized by the Department of Defense as the first Chinese American woman to fly for the U.S. military.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Creating parity within international trade with China.

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
Whenever you’re at home, look around at what might be a manufactured good. Let’s start with your kitchen! Go and pick up any electronic device and find out where it was made? Chances are it was manufactured in China. With the U.S. economy bordering on a historical depression. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed everything associated with life in America. Unemployment and foreclosures are at record highs, the need for financial due diligence becomes apparent. 

China is a declared communist regime! The Nixon administration was credited for opening modern diplomatic relations with the sleeping giant. The inner-city classmate majoring in Chinese, I went to college with, becomes a profound gesture. She had the insight to take advantage of the awakening power of U.S.-Sino relations.  Individuals of African descent are not receiving enough business contracts. An obvious consequence, of an overall maligned trade practice. 
Some would denounce creating a more favorable U.S. tariff with China as protectionism! There are elements within the U.S., that consider trade deficits an attack on national security. What if one day China told the U.S. not to pursue an embargo on a terrorist sponsoring nation; at least not until they finalize a trade deal? The Wheeler-Lea Act of 1938 enabled the FTC the ability to suppress unfair trade practices, whether unfair to competitors or consumers. "Trading with the enemy act of Oct.6, 1917"; May be an attributed point of reference as well.

Keeping the American worker gainfully employed should not be a conservative or liberal agenda, but a U.S. agenda. As recent college graduates raise their hand patiently within the opportunity lecture; a cautionary tail arises with proponents of skilled workers afforded work visas, while companies fail to demand efficient HR recruitment practices. Devoid of xenophobia, there are a multitude of highly skilled workers right here in the U.S... Foreign investment affects the average American in so many different ways. China has saturated our country with cheap goods. There is a direct correlation of the wares pricing, and its competitive effect upon U.S. manufacturing. The working-class American is forced to accept low wages associated with the Sino attack on our overall GDP and the U.S. worker.  NAFTA created parity for Mexican citizens, but not blue-collar American workers!  You don't have to fight a conventional war with the U.S., when you can undermine their economy. The rust belt understands the dynamics of a bad trade initiative. When you control how U.S. citizens acquire gas or local services, you undermine mom and pop stores throughout the U.S.  Global trade has to be about trade deals that create parity along all lines. 

NAFTA was detrimental to the U.S. businessman. Should the FTC/SEC collaborate with the State Department and NSA in a more deliberate manner? Further, as it relates to quantifiers of foreign investment, Threat Levels [National Security], and Trade Deficits, which just hit $3.1 trillion? The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services was $616.8 billion in 2019. Imports were $3.1 trillion, and exports were only $2.5 trillion. Globalization will contend with protectionism; until the WTO, and foreign regimes, begin to create parity along all lines of global trade. My former boss comments lend to the aforementioned subject matter,” I started CGI in 2005 to help turn good intentions into real action and results” William J. Clinton, 42nd President of the United States. Wal-Mart is involved with CGI. Wal-Mart is a company that relies on China for a number of manufacturing goals