It is disheartening that so many individuals within the great state of Mississippi have resigned themselves, to being a second-class citizen. There adherence to the legacy and effects of oppression. A non-profit organization hired to familiarize the ongoing public about redistricting, should refrain from condemning African-American candidates. So as to not misconstrue what was said, I pose this question? Has Melvin Young with Southern Echo warned people about the dangers of voting for minority candidates? Further; does he have a problem with the written communications attempting to galvanize the once disenfranchised voters of the great state of MS.? There is a term used to describe an entity that benefits from misery and social deprivation. I have heard a few phrases being tossed around!
The role of a minister is to heal his flock spiritually, and be active within the body politic, akin to Dr. King. Being retired or a baby boomer seems to create a lack of urgency. There is still a good ole boy system when it comes to minority procurement bidding! The Democratic Party needs to be about free enterprise. We must be about lending to Small Business and under-privileged Europeans, Asians, Hispanics, and Black men! This will create jobs and opportunity. Most baby boomers have not effectively fought for their descendant’s rights. I want to instruct the NAACP, Europeans are not the problem. It is complacent individuals who have benefited from the civil rights movement, and want to hold on to power at all cost, and either are incompetent or lack the leadership skills necessary to govern. I spoke with the VP of the NAACP MS State Conference, Anthony Witherspoon. In between over talking me in our conversation, he talks the good talk, but I have not seen any improvements within De Soto Co. As to the De Soto Co. NAACP President Thomas Plunkett, beyond a harsh stare at the redistricting meeting, I don't know what that brother is doing. The National affiliated NAACP seems to be right on track with their initiatives The De Soto Appeal & Ch. 24 Eyewitness News should try and cover all involved at the next meeting.
As long as the select few are fortunate and content, they are in no hurry to engage! Until you stand up to ultra conservative supremacist, their going to continue to think we are ignorant and backwards! Until you tell professional Blacks not to become elitist and give back, there is work to do. If you have an entity broke and in a contrived manner, what makes you qualified to lead? As a Persian Gulf veteran, I believe the country I fought for can do better. Former President Bill Clinton has garnered love and admiration from every conceivable ethnic makeup. President Barack Obama should not try to counter every dissenter as Gen. Colin Powell stated, but stay the course, President Bush screwed up this economy not you Mr. President! You are righting the ship my man!