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Monday, May 30, 2011

The U.S. needs to lobby for Moldova, Ukraine, & Georgia inclusion within the EU, Creating opportunities for U.S. aviation entities such as (BE), etc..

TBR--Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
США повинні лобіювати Молдови, України, Грузії і включення в ЄС, створюючи можливості для осіб США авіації, таких як (BE), і т.д.

The EU consists of 27 nations, and boast nearly 500 million residents, within its populated scope. With a still recovering U.S. economy, American aviation would benefit from the new markets created by including Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia into the EU. EU international aviation relations goals as of 2008; expressed by Gilles Gantelet, gave the following synopsis:

"However, airlines still have less commercial freedom when flying to countries outside the EU, and passengers have less choice. International aviation has traditionally been governed by bilateral agreements between individual countries, restricting the number of airlines on the routes concerned, the number of flights and the possible destinations.

To overcome these limitations, the EU is extending its aviation policy beyond its borders. First, any bilateral agreements that are not in line with the freedom of operation deriving from the single market need to be revised to ensure legal certainty and to put all EU airlines on an equal footing for flights to countries outside the EU"(Gilles Gantelet,EU Aviation Rep.).

Moldova has elected Vlad Filat, a pro-western leader. The U.S. & EU should support a christian-democratic ideal. American aviation must look for new markets! Moldova has a common Romanian ancestry, a GNI@ca pita of 1,590 USD, a population of approx. 3.6 million. Georgia and Ukraine's inclusion would help to stabilize the former soviet bloc countries, thwarting NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) development and use.

The nine declared EU FAB (Functional Airspace Block)introduces initiatives that contain cost, and facilitate optimum safety, within aviation. A U.S. aviation company(BE) Bradford Enterprises, would assist developing nations secure there role within the EU, by implementing the deming approach. "Monetary rewards are not a substitute for intrinsic motivation" Deming. The aforementioned nation of Moldova, and its EU inclusion, along with companies such as Raytheon, American Airlines, (BE)Bradford Enterprises, will help to create jobs in not only the U.S. but the world! (BE) and its research and development(R/D) visionaries could provide R/D for the further development of composites, and their effect on an aircraft's co-efficient of drag. APU's and eco-jet fuels, can be integrated within the cruising speed of an aircraft at altitude, allowing for optimum performance, decreasing fuel consumption. Further details would infringe on a future patented idea. Composites will provide an alternative to aviation grade aluminum.  Sum mum Bonum or greatest good within aviation, would rely heavily on integrated technologies and their optimum use!

If the brilliant President Woodrow Wilson hesitated and embraced isolationism, which is argued not to be the best foreign policy. President Obama's small business initiative lends itself to a better goal. The untapped resources of the African diaspora would ultimately bolster trade! Why should the U.S. accept a trade and global marketing policy that is akin to a hamstrung global isolation aviation agenda?