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Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Hidden Dimension-An Inside View On The Reality Of Inner City African America

TBR-Steve B. Lofton, contributor
If Hillary Clinton wins the upcoming Presidential Election the Black underclass is doomed! Just like Hillary Clinton our Black Democratic Leadership also has no respect for our laws from President Barrack H. Obama all the way down through the local level. Is this a Nation of laws or not? Yet and unfortunately this phenomenon also holds true for our Black middle-class like Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, and talk show host Larry Elder etc. who express their views from the right side of the political spectrum without an understanding.The result is a lawless inner-city African America headed toward its own total self destruction.
     I studied at the Los Angeles University of Hard Knocks for almost a lifetime. The courses heaped upon me there forced me to finally accept the truth about the nature of my own African-American leadership; political, social, and religious despite my great unwillingness to do so and the facts. It may be the reason many black people remain poised to cry racism at every turn. I come from both a unique and odd experience. Yet I have no criminal record which is a rarity when it comes to black men although I've been jailed many times. Our almost entirely Democratic Party affiliated African-American leadership has attempted to resolve all of our problems through the welfare system for the past half-century.

Its consequence has been the total annihilation of the African-American family. This practice by my own leadership consequently even gave birth to the Los Angeles gangs known as the Crips and the Bloods the byproducts of broken black female led homes. The African-American so called educated middle-class has failed to pull its weight for it allowed this leadership to continue to exist unchecked making me wonder if they are functionally illiterate. Is not the purpose of education still to build your community? For the black middle-class education serves them to flee the Black community believing somehow they can solve the problems of everyone else rather than to take notice of those facing their own kind.The timing finally seems right to publish the Hidden Dimension for Americans are angered by their

 Washington based politicians on both sides of the isle where our President Barrack Hussein Obama sits center stage. The world has now gotten a glimpse of this African-American President and the same unmerited black middle-class arrogance about self that we within the inner-city have existed beneath for half a century. You just can't reach them up there in the ivory towers of government or their various offices where they have caused the total breakdown of law on the civil side of the system within the inner-city then retire to the white suburbs where they live at the end of the day.There are African-Americans within the inner-city who have asked themselves how on earth is it that we have fared so miserably beneath our own kind? My book The Hidden Dimension documents the answer to that question. At the age of 60 years old I am a first time newlywed to Estella Louise Lofton and we live within the inner-city of City of Los Angeles, California. The Hidden Dimension