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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Who would you invite to dinner, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X? Light Skin vs. Dark Skin an internal issue of race.

Editor-in-Chief Leighton Bradford 
An esteemed relationship with a Black woman is the most coveted aspect of our race. There are men locked up right now flexing for a presumed Cleopatra. Displaced ambition is manipulated and leads to social degradation. Meaning; brothers will steal, deal, and kill to obtain a "rep" (reputation for Mandingo prowess), and the affection of said Nubian Queen aka Black woman.  Misogyny within the rap world is often young men voicing anger and frustration, with not being able to provide the traditional means for their woman. It is the responsibility of an identified race to police an industry, community, block, and race! If you purchase the music or attend the show calm yourself.  Ever since our anthropological ancestors or "Lucy" aka Australopithecus afarensis, females within a species seek out a male which will ensure her offspring safety, and promote the best genetic signature for the future. That's the first concept within this piece, you with me?

There is a letter or brochure from an English slave holder by the name of willie lynch which taught the finer points of divide and conquer, check this out:

. While Rome used cords of wood as crosses for standing human bodies along its highways in great numbers, you are here using the tree and the rope on occasions. I caught the whiff of a dead slave hanging from a tree, a couple miles back. You are not only losing valuable stock by hangings, you are having uprisings, slaves are running away, your crops are sometimes left in the fields too long for maximum profit, you suffer occasional fires, your animals are killed. Gentlemen, you know what your problems are; I do not need to elaborate. I am not here to enumerate your problems, I am here to introduce you to a method of solving them. In my bag here, I HAVE A FULL PROOF METHOD FOR CONTROLLING YOUR BLACK SLAVES. I guarantee every one of you that, if installed correctly, IT WILL CONTROL THE SLAVES FOR AT LEAST 300 HUNDREDS YEARS. My method is simple. Any member of your family or your overseer can use it. I HAVE OUTLINED A NUMBER OF DIFFERENCES AMONG THE SLAVES; AND I TAKE THESE DIFFERENCES AND MAKE THEM BIGGER. I USE FEAR, DISTRUST AND ENVY FOR CONTROL PURPOSES. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences and think about them. On top of my list is “AGE,” but it’s there only because it starts with an “a.” The second is “COLOR” or shade. There is INTELLIGENCE, SIZE, SEX, SIZES OF PLANTATIONS, STATUS on plantations, ATTITUDEof owners, whether the slaves live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine hair, course hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of action, but before that, I shall assure you that DISTRUST IS STRONGER THAN TRUST AND ENVY STRONGER THAN ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION. The Black slaves after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for HUNDREDS of years, maybe THOUSANDS. Don’t forget, you must pitch the OLD black male vs. the YOUNG black male, and the YOUNG black male against the OLD black male. You must use the DARK skin slaves vs. the LIGHT skin slaves, and the LIGHT skin slaves vs. the DARK skin slaves. You must use the FEMALE vs. the MALE, and the MALE vs. the FEMALE. You must also have white servants and overseers [who] distrust all Blacks. But it is NECESSARY THAT YOUR SLAVES TRUST AND DEPEND ON US. THEY MUST LOVE, RESPECT AND TRUST ONLY US. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control. Use them. Have your wives and children use them, never miss an opportunity.IF USED INTENSELY FOR ONE YEAR, THE SLAVES THEMSELVES WILL REMAIN PERPETUALLY DISTRUSTFUL. Thank you gentlemen.” This speech was delivered by Willie Lynch on the bank of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1712.  Lynch was a British slave owner in the West Indies. He was invited to the colony of Virginia in 1712 to teach his methods to slave owners there. The term “lynching” is derived from his last name". 

The second concept is the most recent Light Skin vs. Dark Skin phenomenon. I was recently listening to a local radio station in Memphis, TN with the call sign 97.1FM, and the DJ's (Sometimes funny man Prescott) whatever the hell that really is; went on about a light skin brother day. If a Black woman prefers either a light skin or dark skin brother that's on her! Cats that perpetuate the myth, because they can't attract a female otherwise; moreover, their genetic makeup precludes normal procreation, really role up their sleeves on this one. Every African -American has a relative that runs the gambit in regards to color and hue. It becomes a sad joke for confused folk, perpetuating this tail, spun by one of the most diabolical minds, this side of Adolph Hitler. It seems a few individuals buy into this scheme, at the expense of reason and understanding. Angela Davis as opposed to Harriet Tubman; Malcolm X as oppose to Dr. King; Rosa Parks as oppose to Fannie Lou Hamer; President Barack Obama as oppose to Johnny Cochran. In a nut shell, we are all human beings that deserve equality and freedom, and a world devoid of self hate

The last concept is sons and daughters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. I am quite certain you recognize the aforementioned entity. Basically they will be out in public whispering to someone "Man that light skin nigga ain't shit"!