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Monday, September 17, 2012

My Heavenly Father, Save My People!

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
Since when does a person being released from prison, garner more respect and admiration than a Persian Gulf/Afghanistan veteran? The youths of today profile consist of sagging britches, tattoos, and an attitude. The stated value becomes a disturbing normative distinction, within the Black community. Malcolm X, Dr. King, Huey Newton/Bobby Seale, Angela Davis, Muhammad Ali, Ivan Van Sertima and Harriet Tubman did not fight for the aforementioned concept! While visiting some of my relatives, a distant kinfolk, described his felonious caper with the same pride a PGA tour pro sinking a hole in one! “Man! When Po Po pulled me over the 3 hundred had 10 keys nigga!” And this man was as sincere as a deacon in church. A 40+ year old man documenting the exploits of his sad existence!

President Obama and his lovely wife Mrs. Obama counter this contrived distinction. Aircraft mechanics, Pilots, Engineers, Hotel managers, entrepreneurs, teachers, trash collectors, dentists, and barbers/beauticians are noble professions, not drug dealing and being a so called “THUG”! Were the sit-ins at the lunch counter or protests at Edmund Pettis bridge, so that we may denigrate our culture to the point of biblical condemnation? We need to stop making drug dealers, ghetto super stars.  Work must begin on removing their kind from our communities.

 African-Americans must take control of their own destiny! People of color must refute stereo typical inner-city motifs. White supremacists are exploiting inner city anguish, they are cool with our degraded plight! Black women tell your daughters it’s not okay to be promiscuous or have a number of kids out of marriage. The ultimate goal is a stable relationship! Black women tell your daughters not to cloud gender specified roles, it emasculates your sons. Tele-evangelists are afraid to condemn the ultra-feminizing of black men.  The end game is to lock up Black men and covet the womb of their race! Boycott foreign national business, that don’t support the Black community! Denounce jack leg preachers, who fail to properly interpret the bible, or condemn the sickness that surrounds their culture. We must refute vultures hovering over our short comings.