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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Soul Solace excerpt from e-book

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
It’s funny how an individual’s mortality serves as a self-evaluating vehicle of your overall existence.  Ashes to ashes and dust to dust go us all. As I write, I reflect on the pictures sitting on my neglected desk, indicative of the sovereign winds, blowing in eternal change.  Life held ever so dear, only after it sponsors what makes the soul significant.  Sier rose from his semi-conscious state, as though he was Lazarus emerging from the grave.  Silence is all around the clinical walls, whitewashed, sterile, and indifferent.  The nurse begins to methodically check the brothers’ vitals as if nothing is new or different. 

A faint murmur comes from Sier.  A hushed silence pervades every aspect of the Intensive Care Unit.  Anxiety abounds, as our presumed hero un-asses fate and impending doom.  You can hear a pin drop in the room; a distant whimper is the only apparent thing that drowns out an uneasy stilled silence.  This brother dares to dream of life no doubt.  A life so neat, a life so fragile, all he seems to want is life.  “Sier! Please answer me!” “God almighty, help him, help him!”  “Dear Heavenly Father we are in need of your grace. A grace that will enable us to cope Father, Lord help this man, help him.” 

 Each page of life is turned towards judgement day.  The conceptual meaning warrants most people attention.  Tupac Shakur once said, “Niggas" gon hate you for whatever you do." Mandee remembers hearing Sier refer to Tupac’s quote.  The quote sits idle, as she gazes into the eyes of her bedridden man.  She ponders this phrase or gesture, Sier borrowed so frequently from “Pac.”  Her face resolute, but troubled; tears welled up in her lovely eyes.  Those eyes seem to be a mirror towards the soul, beyond a mere encroachment or physical trait. Will the window reveal her essence?  Shall our couple meet the fate that lies before them?  Please imagine Sier and Mandee sitting all alone in the hospital room, neither of them not knowing what lies ahead.  And the days wane not necessarily revealing its basic intent.

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