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Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Mountain Top

TBR-Editor-in-Chief Leighton Bradford
Our country is being ravaged by the inherent biasedness and inequalities of our fundamental existence. The social media generation uses technology to counter the effects of social upheaval. The police killings of Blacks created a social upheaval. Not to mention coming of age during the economic crisis.  Let's not forget to mention Covid-19. There is going to be a PAX AMERICANA, unless we counter the assault on heterosexual relationships. The Obama/Biden administration spent too much time on non-heterosexual issues and not issues significant to individuals of African descent! I applaud their saving of our democracy. The aforementioned generation has to win. Some of them have the patience of Job. I try not to be so hard on my kids or aka millennials or Generation Zer's! I was blown away by their exorcism of the digital divide. They took it to the streets!  My God! This generation has been hit with an epic, global continental crisis.  
A number of small, digital, flexible businesses have emerged. They took a negative financial situation and turned it into a nimble adapting business model. The world erupted--after the police shootings of specified individuals of African descent and the rest of America.  I have nothing but respect and admiration for the aforementioned group. They understand white supremacists are trying to quail the Black Messiah! Any spiritual messenger loves all of humanity. 

 Individuals of African descent have a God given and constitutional right to defend themselves. I ask assuredly where are our fundamental leaders? Let's reach out to Brazil, the Carribean, and Africa. We need to understand the effects of the African Diaspora! 

The epic war in Ukraine transcends ethnicity. Their struggle mirrors the fundamental struggle for Black self-determination.  God bless Ukraine!  I respect and admire my fellow European Americans who respect me. TheBradfordReview argued the need to include them within the EU/NATO years ago!  Supremacists are using alternative lifestyle choices to undermine Black prosperity! Black women need to challenge their fundamental power. Black women are the backbone of our race! It's about how you physically came into this world. 

 What is the tactical and strategic plan for reparations, and a respected existence? And then came the movement.  Individuals of African Descent within the USA, need to report criminal activity.  Just because you speak Spanish as an individual of African descent does not mean you are Spanish/European. The U.S. census creates a demographic subterfuge as it relates to the coming together of Indvidual's of African descent. The US should not allow this to become a calculated effort to divide and conquer. Demand reparations for the historical effects of slavery! Similar to my beloved individuals of Hebrew descent. Black people need to explore and open a dialogue with Mali/Kemet/Egypt. Mali/Kemet/Egypt is our homeland or heritage! Egypt, Mali, South Africa, Nigeria and Timbuktu are worth striving for similar to Israel. Africans need to embrace one initiative that President Nelson Mandela sacrificed his freedom for! This initiative revolves around individuals of African Descent unifying and staving off the horrific effects, of the African Diasporic slave trade. 

This generation of individuals of African descent need to secure NUCLEAR POWER! Nuclear power plants, technologies, and renewable energies that promote a healthy ecology.  Individuals of African descent need to adopt cyber control of our interest. Black people need to control their own means of production. Individuals of African descent need to come together and put our differences aside and adopt a Pan-African Tribunal and liaison to the United Nations. Defend our Black leaders with a social contract, identifying points of contention. We need to argue the sound construct of reparations!