TBR-John Soltz, Iraq War Veteran, Chairman VoteVets.orgThe Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that you've been reading about is a bad deal for veterans and military family members.
The United States Congress should vote it down.
The deal, negotiated in secret between the United States and eleven countries, expands upon the NAFTA model that has sent many good paying manufacturing jobs previously held by veterans overseas.
Our veterans should not have to participate in a race to the bottom for wages against countries that have non-existent minimum wage and worker safety laws. This trade agreement would exacerbate that problem and make it harder for veterans transitioning to the private sector to find jobs.
What's more, according to the nonpartisan organization, Public Citizen, the legislation threatens prescription drug prices for active duty personnel on TRICARE and veterans who use the VA.
Sign our petition to Congress: The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a bad deal for America's veterans, and they should vote it down.
We expect Congress could act on this legislation as soon as this week, so making your voice heard today is important.
Thank you for adding your name.
The stakes are high.
Jon Soltz
TBR-John Soltz, Iraq War Veteran, Chairman VoteVets.org
President Obama and the Congress have made tremendous progress reducing the unemployment rate for veterans since the start of the Great Recession.
It'd be a shame to reverse course now.
But that's just what Trans Pacific Partnership would do -- known as "NAFTA on Steroids" -- the trade agreement would hasten the departure of even more manufacturing and service sector jobs that the U.S. economy has already been hemorrhaging for decades.
If you or your family have been impacted by jobs being shipped overseas, we'd love to hear from you. Please let us know here:
There has always been a great relationship between veterans who return home and the manufacturing jobs that support their families when they leave the service.
Help us stand with them today.
All the best,
Jon Soltz @JonSoltz, Iraq War Veteran and Chairman VoteVets.org