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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Critical Analysis Of Politics Within Mississippi.‏

TBR--MS  Leighton Bradford  Editor-in-Chief
"I don't give a damn about you being in the military, or being a veteran," MS State Senator, Merle Flowers in a twangy, condescending, nasal voice! Further; after he was told he was acting like a slum lord, refusing to fix several of his properties, and evicting a 8 month pregnant African-American tenant! This was an omen of political things to come, within the great state of MS.? Oppression is camouflaged by the certain niceties of modern living. Meaning, there are still southern Europeans who feel their superior to Blacks and minorities[this includes exploited illegals]. The Clinton /Gore campaign countered this notion. It catches you off guard when your confronted with this nonsense! "You aren't from around these parts," said Merle Flowers, when I spoke to him about a business matter. It was a cliche' message you expected to hear from some relic of the Jim Crow south. He was appointed to an ethics committee within the district he represents. Ironically many of his tenants would beg to differ? TBR recovered a document of a former tenant filing an EEOC complaint against the Senator. A reliable source asks why The Department Of Justice, Civil Rights Division, has not applied the Color Of Law statue? The Desoto Times Tribune reported his opposition to federally mandated re-apportionment, further dis-enfranchising some of the people he represents, The Poor and Blacks!

"Sen. Doug Davis, R-Hernando, said under the plan, his district loses about 21,000 people and District 19, currently represented by Sen. Merle Flowers, R-Olive Branch, loses about 25,000 people in order to meet federal one-man, one-person requirements under the 2010 U.S. Census." Desoto Times Tribune Senate unveils remap, By ROBERT LEE LONG, Community Editor Published: Tuesday, March 8, 2011 1:06 AM CST.

The Desoto County Democratic Party, under the leadership of Samuel William's and Mike Smith, could not save the congressional seat Travis Childers once held. The Blue Dog Democrat took his core constituency for granted, attempting to woo conservative Mississippians, with an ill advised fiscal tough guy approach. He tried to have his cake and eat it to. I remember talking to a staffer of Rep. Nunlee, wondering why no one under 45 years of age, held any distinction, within the Desoto Dem's? The Hip Hop generation and Gen X are severely mis-represented. Nunlee's twenty-something staffer was sharp! My question to the Desoto Democratic Party is simple. WHERE ARE THE DEMOCRATIC VICTORIES? William's a Booker T. Washington alumnus, and retired police officer, left the Memphis Police Association under duress.  Is the GOP happy with the numbers Smith and William's have produced?  Kelly Jacobs, the wild card within this organization, flanks the aforementioned leadership at every turn. A native Californian, once ask to leave the aarp, Ms. Jacobs, lacks the academic or staffer experience, a common trait of Desoto County Democratic officials, but is not afraid to mix it up. She was called a "nigger lover" at a political event! She might be somewhat reactionary in her views? Ms. Jacobs is a walking PR quagmire for the desoto Dem's!

There is even political upheaval within law enforcement. It seems some law enforcement officials scoff at the constitution, and revel in the usurping of individual rights. Dr. Ivan Van Sertima stated, "Every human being has a common ancestor"!

Here is an interesting exchange between Mike Smith Desoto Co. Democratic V.P.  The dynamic duo maintains their status by performing a rushed parliamentary process, without the media or public being aware of it even occurring. Mike Smith , Samuel Williams, and  Jason Harper are always aware of the circumstance. Smith likes to walk up on you, trying to crowd you. During Kelli's redistricting meeting William tried to encourage me to do the number crunching. I told him the extent of the work required compensation, that was the end of that?

From: Leighton Bradford

To: Mike Smith ; Jared turner ; Jason Harper

Sent: Sun, April 18, 2010 5:42:25 PM

Subject: RE: The executive committee replacement was illegal and a non-parlimentary procedure

The ultimate barometer within any field of endeavor is success! Excuse me while I respectfully take off presumed political gloves. Discourse and debate must exist within any august and excellent body such as the Democratic Party. My people have been a part of the great state of Mississippi since before the civil war. I am a fourth generation veteran of a foreign war. For the first time since 1948 a democratic president took the state of Arizona; moreover, as press avail coordinator and co-coordinator for veterans for Clinton/Gore I was associated with this history. To no avail, Mr. Smith has made several unsuccessful attempts to SUCCEED at public office! I am not necessarily suggesting failure, but qualifying his statement of "Ineptness"! I believe it’s important to have more than $410 in the party treasury. Within my critique I never mentioned names or individuals.

He called my home early Thursday morning requesting my presence at a "Tea Party", I supported his request. A cell phone notification was required by Mr. Smith, who stated he would be in attendance, I never saw him. I want whomever reads this to notice the energy wasted in responding to acts that don't elect Democrats, beyond a few within Desoto county and the great state of MS. Honest hardworking people are not being considered? How many candidates have been elected under Mr. Smith's tenure. A democracy means including the multitude within the decision making process, devoid of your own personal hidden agenda of political Success!

Job creation, increasing the wages of labor, creating an infrastructure that supports a descent quality of living, adjusting a right to work state laws, attracting RF and high tech industry. Be it Dubois or Washington, Clinton or Limbaugh, Obama or McConnell, political activity involves ideas that best support a democratic ideal.   The 2nd vice was on a Caribbean cruise, while the Desoto county chairman attended an OFA sponsored event. When at the eleventh hour I deferred a business associate helping the OFA facilitator. The young man should not have been placed in this position to begin with.  Half of the aforementioned leadership was either not in attendance or was selected, beyond reaching outside of a clique. I respect Mr. Smith's vast knowledge within a specified orifice of the human anatomy, but having a matriculated stance within Political Science, and selected to successfully elect William Jefferson Clinton, is summarily an altogether another beast. I have no political aspirations beyond making this a descent place to live, and leaving my kid a future beyond menial labor. My generation will have a voice! Here we come sir, aka brother!

"This week’s feature is on a bill John Mayo wrote and introduced last year, HB 821. John Mayo apparently didn’t think gas prices are high enough in Mississippi, so he proposed raising the gas tax by another five cents!" Ya'll Politics Website

There is still a good ole boy network in existence. Oppression is camouflaged by fronting procedural application, to give the perception of concern and remedy. The Desoto Justice Center, EEOC, MS. Office of Attorney General (Jeff Clark) etc... And then there is the dynamic duo of Mike Smith and Samuel William's. If your job is to elect democratic officials, how have they performed? William's comes across as though he is a jovial uncle, but is intimidated by credentialed personnel, and can't relate to empirical political inquiry. The thing about a redistricting learning curve, is you have every ten years of  census reporting to get it right! Jason Harper, MS. Democratic field representative, has some unique qualities about himself, especially when he hung up abruptly, when TBR tried to ask general questions about the party. He has not mastered the concept of the coordinated campaign, and acts as though your bothering him, when fielding political questions. When I helped to develop the coordinated campaign, it relied heavily on experience and expertise within journalism! When Melodee Jackson brought me into the Clinton/Gore campaign, I transferred a degree from the USAF Air University, and was a Political Science Senior at ASU. They implemented a campaign reaching out to every feasible demographic. We brought Danny Devito in to speak and raised $35,000 in one night! The GOP leadership is chillin on a bass boat somewhere, laughing and praising the in-effectual leadership that ensues.  MS State Democratic Party Representative Jared Turner adopted a mass e-mail increasing voter turn out by ten fold! It really helped MS. Governor candidate Mr. Johnny Dupree.  The Desoto County Democratic Party leadership failed to properly endorse Mr. Dupree.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Introducing "Soul Solace" excerpt from the e-book

TBR - Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
All that is seen is their eloquent silhouette in the darkness placed before us. Black love no doubt.  Intimacy bonds the heart and souls of an endearing relationship.  If soul mates could borrow from these delicate moments and save it for the trying effects brought to us in life. There would be nothing a relationship could not handle.  Human nature is afforded companionship, a union of one presumably. It's  use becomes the issue.  Sier uses it to the best of his purpose, and advantage, that is to say love. 

 He gently touches the tight curves of her flesh bound anatomy, thanking God for this Nubian Queen that lies before him.  Eyes meet, souls connect, so smooth is the night, so smooth.  They advance towards places keen, yet considerate.  The sheets adjoins there feeling, thoughts, and deepest sympathies.  Ain’t no tossin’ and turnin’! Just da makin of sweet love.  He places his hand on the nape of her neck, bringing her towards his presence.  A heart felt passion, an intimate reflection, a justified sensuality.  “Every time I touch you, my being becomes transformed Mandee.”  “Each and every time I look into your eyes my soul is pampered.”  The candle clings onto its illumination--a refracted light emerges from the darkness.

  Each is motivated to please the other.  At no time within this piece, are we to understand anything but love.  All of the tension and pressure released, if for just one moment. Naturally displayed so much relief from the on going tensions of a given day.  And then the lady whispers, “How oh lord, would I have ever managed without him?”  The interplay of treasured moments, indicative of the profound beauty, found within Black love.  He says aloud, “Mandee I love you”, “I just love you.” [The Intellectual Property of Leighton Bradford (BE)]

Monday, May 30, 2011

The U.S. needs to lobby for Moldova, Ukraine, & Georgia inclusion within the EU, Creating opportunities for U.S. aviation entities such as (BE), etc..

TBR--Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
США повинні лобіювати Молдови, України, Грузії і включення в ЄС, створюючи можливості для осіб США авіації, таких як (BE), і т.д.

The EU consists of 27 nations, and boast nearly 500 million residents, within its populated scope. With a still recovering U.S. economy, American aviation would benefit from the new markets created by including Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia into the EU. EU international aviation relations goals as of 2008; expressed by Gilles Gantelet, gave the following synopsis:

"However, airlines still have less commercial freedom when flying to countries outside the EU, and passengers have less choice. International aviation has traditionally been governed by bilateral agreements between individual countries, restricting the number of airlines on the routes concerned, the number of flights and the possible destinations.

To overcome these limitations, the EU is extending its aviation policy beyond its borders. First, any bilateral agreements that are not in line with the freedom of operation deriving from the single market need to be revised to ensure legal certainty and to put all EU airlines on an equal footing for flights to countries outside the EU"(Gilles Gantelet,EU Aviation Rep.).

Moldova has elected Vlad Filat, a pro-western leader. The U.S. & EU should support a christian-democratic ideal. American aviation must look for new markets! Moldova has a common Romanian ancestry, a GNI@ca pita of 1,590 USD, a population of approx. 3.6 million. Georgia and Ukraine's inclusion would help to stabilize the former soviet bloc countries, thwarting NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) development and use.

The nine declared EU FAB (Functional Airspace Block)introduces initiatives that contain cost, and facilitate optimum safety, within aviation. A U.S. aviation company(BE) Bradford Enterprises, would assist developing nations secure there role within the EU, by implementing the deming approach. "Monetary rewards are not a substitute for intrinsic motivation" Deming. The aforementioned nation of Moldova, and its EU inclusion, along with companies such as Raytheon, American Airlines, (BE)Bradford Enterprises, will help to create jobs in not only the U.S. but the world! (BE) and its research and development(R/D) visionaries could provide R/D for the further development of composites, and their effect on an aircraft's co-efficient of drag. APU's and eco-jet fuels, can be integrated within the cruising speed of an aircraft at altitude, allowing for optimum performance, decreasing fuel consumption. Further details would infringe on a future patented idea. Composites will provide an alternative to aviation grade aluminum.  Sum mum Bonum or greatest good within aviation, would rely heavily on integrated technologies and their optimum use!

If the brilliant President Woodrow Wilson hesitated and embraced isolationism, which is argued not to be the best foreign policy. President Obama's small business initiative lends itself to a better goal. The untapped resources of the African diaspora would ultimately bolster trade! Why should the U.S. accept a trade and global marketing policy that is akin to a hamstrung global isolation aviation agenda?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Трактат про бідність

TBR Лейтон Бредфорд редактор головний
Вам не потрібно звернутися до високих ідеалів мовою при описі болів і страждань, пов'язаних з бідністю. Розкіш та нео-дарвінізму є переважаючою атрибути декадентського суспільства. Холодної блага ринкових сил, не повинні диктувати чи найманий працівник, може чи не може забезпечити для своєї сім'ї. У людини повинні бути надані гідні Житлова заробітної плати. Житлова гідної заробітної плати нагороди важка робота, але дозволяє недоторканність людської гідності. Адміністрація Буша нахилився до підриву різної соціального захисту та нормативних обмежень.

Американська мрія повинна бути найпопулярнішим мети. Критики не повинні по всій видимості, саме праведним чи цинічним. Середній американський громадянин має право на успіх. Успіх не повинен співпадати з расизмом, нео-дарвінізму, чи консерватизм. Що ви збереження? Приміщення або ідеал, виправдовуючи нерівновага між імущими і незаможними.

Громадські лідери отримують можливість, з ресурсами, пропонованими сім'ї, зі створенням походження Житлова заробітної плати. Я вважаю, пряма кореляція між стабільністю платити більше і, зниження пов'язаних з економічними злочинами. Збереження американській сім'ї недоторканими повинні бути пріоритетними. Опора на благо філантроп або корпоративних капітан соромно. Є цілий ряд людей, які будуть просочуватися. Збільшення заробітної плати не буде перешкоджати компаній нижнього рядка. Реалізація цього плану може зміцнити образ життя працівника. Значення, більше грошей у кишеню окремих осіб, таким чином, більше деталей споживається. Це забезпечило б каталізатором для натурального господарства. Економіки зміцнення до фінансової відповідальності стабілізації середнього будинку сімей.

Останній день издольщина з права на працю держави, перешкоджає прогресу середнього класу. За бажанням зайнятості стала анти-теза союзів і профспілок. Сліпий жадібності обраних, за тіні неявній необхідність стримування особи, від повороту прибутку будь-якою ціною. Останній ділового клімату відображає згадане вище заяву. Як ми прийшли, щоб наші корпоративні львів Ca RTE Бланш, як воно відноситься до вільного підприємництва? Ці передбачається баронів промисловості задоволенням платять в середньому працівник нічого або майже нічого, тим самим, що виходить глобалізації. Наша бізнес-модель не може конкурувати з соціалізовані бізнесу, таких як Китай або Мексика. Сер Томас Гоббс Левіафан, може допомогти нам зберегти це реально, коли справа доходить до влади і грошей. Деякі з них можуть відчувати його тіло працює на суспільство залишається цинічним (Гоббс). Реальність цього цинізму визнає помилковість чоловік. Вірте чи ні, ми іноді не праві. Гоббс намагався попередити нас про не-прив'язав агресії в людство, і необхідність обмежень або контролю. Нео-дарвінізм і його двоюрідний брат, консерватизм, заохочує расову та економічного відділу, поряд з класової боротьби. Ви часто бачимо політиків і журналіста приймаючи удари один на одного по телебаченню, словесні лицарські, "багато що належить зробити ні про що!" Я напевно, що в один момент часу, працівників засобів масової інформації приділяли менше уваги своєї слави, і більшою мірою на отримання історії права.

Працюючих бідних повинно відчувати себе обмеженим, коли є менш привілейованих синів і те і дочка, відправляються в бій ворогові, повертається, щоб заробити мінімальну заробітну плату. Чому бізнесмен відчуваю себе так загрожує платити своїм працівникам гідну заробітну плату Житлова? Людина повинна бути відділений від звіра! Людина має право на існування, він би і ні? Як щодо платоспроможності світло Білл!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Downed Helicopter at Bin Laden Compound - A Cornucopia of Secrets

TBR--RF Cafe contributor

Tail section of U.S. Helicopter during bin-laden raid-Reuters

When I heard about the helicopter that went down during the raid at the bin Laden compound, my first concern after the safety of the crew was that now a high technology aircraft would be available to the enemy for inspection. Even after learning that the craft was "blown in place," I was still worried that unless some high temperature incendiary material like white phosphorous was used prior to the explosion, the pieces remaining would be intact enough to glean useful info. My worst fears were confirmed with the release of photos by Reuters (always sure to post images that could harm the U.S.) showing not just this large section of the tail boom and rotor, but also smiling kids walking around with scrounged parts of airframe and electronics gear. As an engineer who spent many years tearing down other company's designs to figure out how they designed and implemented leading edge circuits (and also checking for patent infringements), I can tell you that a circuit or system does not have to be in full functioning order to yield critical information. Material samples are now available for the stealth skin composition, lamination and attachment methods, and facet angles. Super quiet airfoil and blade shape data is available. Metallurgical studies will no doubt be carried out in Russia and China on the transmission and bearing assemblies. Even fuel and lubrication samples will get a thorough examination. Have you seen the photos of how the FAA reassembles aircraft in a hangar when an accident occurs? Some of our best communications gear is also being reassembled like a jigsaw puzzle. Über top secret circuits will be studied and replicated using information from multi-layer substrate construction, component attachment, and special microelectronics devices formulated and built in über top secret facilities to provide our elite fighters with the world's best equipment (some of which, reportedly, mysteriously blacked out for 25 minutes during the actual raid). Samples of proprietary software and firmware will be reverse engineered as well. Imagine the delight on the faces of Red Army engineers sitting in their labs when they inspect the flight controller system and see all those microcontrollers with "Made in China" stamped on them!.

[Intellectual property Rfcafe-Photo Reuters]

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Governor Barbour declared a State of Emergency in 39 counties. Biological Haz. Ventura Co. CA, US

Casino employees prepare for 100 year flood!
 TBR -- MS
 L. Bradford Editor-in-Chief
The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency has received initial reports of damage from 48 counties across the state and the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. Governor Barbour declared a State of Emergency in 39 counties. and Entergy reports over 20,000 customers were without power Wednesday night. There are 11 confirmed storm related deaths and more than 40 injuries reported in the Magnolia State.

Visitors are no longer able to visit the Tunica, River Park, nor ride the Tunica Queen. 
  All across the Mississippi Wednesday night residents are picking up the pieces from that severe weather system that moved through. The driver of an 18-wheeler died near Oxford Wednesday morning after his truck hit a tree that had fallen across Highway 30. Serious damage was left by the severe weather that blew through Oxford. Buildings lost roofs and debris is scattered for miles. Emergency crews began assessing the extent of the damage Wednesday night. The body of a 66-year-old man has been located after an intense search in Marshall County. Authorities said the man went missing early Wednesday morning after driving his vehicle into flood waters. The man's car was found hours later, but he was not inside. Emergency responders located the man's body shortly after 4:00 p.m. off Highway 7, north of Holly Springs. And those same flood waters led to the Marshall County Sheriff's Department having to rescue some residents. They helped people get out of their homes and reach drier areas. Meanwhile, flood waters are raging in Tunica. neighborhoods have been overtaken by water and now the rising Mississippi River is causing casinos there to close. The area's 9 casinos are on staggered closing over the next several days as the water rises.

An AT&T tower was knocked out too, so cell phone use was hampered, leading to the injury of a deputy. As severe weather made its way through Rankin County early Wednesday morning it knocked down huge oak trees. Several casino's within Tunica Co. have hired teams to repel the raging waters of the MS. The Fitz has set up an alternate location, but power is still on and the mighty MS. has not entered the building.  Tunica cut off has been evacuated! As of 5-1-11; MS. waters are expected to crest to potentially 45 ft, flooding levels, adjacent to Memphis, TN; Desoto Co.; MS and Tunica Co., MS.  An Illinois casino worker informed a tunica casino representative; to prepare for the worse, they received several inches of rain! TBR

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Resurgent Uncle Tom and E. Franklin Frazier's Black Bourgeise

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
If you think European, Asian, Hispanic ice is colder than Black-ice, you are probably not going to like this article.  We tend to romanticize the civil rights struggle or movement. The leaders of this period run the gambit of skill and ability. Angela Davis, Dr. King, Malcolm X, Medger Evers, Kwame Toure, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Fred Hampton, Eldridge Cleaver, Betty Shabazz, Dr. Benjamin Hooks, Thurgood Marshall etc...  Dr. Dubois mentioned within the text of his book, "The primary concerns in Black Folk "Is the way the "veil" stands in the way of Blacks need to gain skills, employment, and property."   Bigots tend to reward individuals of African descent, who present the path of least resistance, towards empowerment and opportunity. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a book entitled "Uncle Tom's Cabin", I am quite certain there are readers squirming in their seats as we speak. 

Man I might even provide a list of persons so removed from their culture; it can only be described as a sickness.  With the feminizing of specifically Black males and our daughters' bodies being exploited for economic gain, it all adds up. The last statement was in reference to an accepted behavior. E. Franklin Frazier gave a poignant look into the world of a bourgeoisie black. This group is rewarded for basically not making any waves, and dancing a jig for racism.  Getting along with other cultures is not the definition of a culturally challenged individual.

The Pan Hellenic association is one of the most intriguing entities I have ever witnessed. They seem to think they corner the market in regard to leadership.  They only involve their own members jobs and opportunities, moreover, benefiting a select group of elitist and separatist's.  When I attended college, I use to watch the buffoonery and spectacle of most of these cats. Some graduate, other's find it difficult to rely on the sisterhood or brotherhood, when things get tough! Dr. King was a alpha, if I am not mistaken, but the pronounced way they separate the well-educated, from the rest of their culture, is as suspect as twitter being located in San Francisco.  Whatever happened to 'Burk" on Grey's anatomy?  If you internalize self-hate to the degree of applying the social law of diminishing returns, that's you!  It's amazing how society embraces comfortable stereotypes and forces them upon our Psyche. It is my opinion, racism and oppression, drives a number of African Americans insane. Maybe one day we will diagnose oppression and its effects within a category of illness. I dedicate this piece to the culturally challenged hata's.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

America spends more money incarcerating its citizens than educating them! Mr. Jealous, President NAACP

TBR Washington D.C. , press release.... special to TBR
Ben Todd Jealous,
President and CEO

America spends more money incarcerating its citizens than educating them.

That's not an exaggeration. It's a fact.

The NAACP's new report, Misplaced Priorities, shows how much money states spend on their criminal justice system compared to their education system -- and what that means for our communities.

The results are astounding. Over the past 20 years, for example, state spending on prisons grew at six times the rate of spending on higher education. Our country is home to just five percent of the world's population, but we make up a staggering twenty-five percent of the world's prisoners.

You can do something about this crisis. That's why the NAACP has launched a petition asking all 50 state governors to get their priorities straight and fix this problem with a set of smart reforms to keep our communities safe. Add your name now, and make sure your voice is heard in your state capital:

In 2009, as the nation plummeted into the deepest recession in 30 years, funding for K-12 and higher education declined. But for prisons, the reverse was true. That year, 33 states spent more discretionary dollars on prisons than in 2008.


As our children fail to get the education they deserve, our prisons are filling up at an alarming rate. And, as usual, those most affected are communities of color. We know drug treatment is a smart alternative for non-violent offenders. It is also significantly cheaper. Educational opportunities are also cost-effective, and lead to a marked reduction in neighborhood crime. Relatively minor investments in treatment for those suffering mental illness mean fewer people in jail and more contributing members to society. There's no denying the irrational increase in prison spending, and its impact on state budgets and our nation's children. But there is something you can do about it. 

Sign our petition to tell America's governors to support the NAACP's reforms that will focus on making sure we invest in schools, not prisons.  Thank you for taking the time to help us speak out to America's governors, and show the strength of our resolve to change our country's misplaced priorities.

It's time we stop over incarcerating and under educating.



Benjamin Todd Jealous

President and CEO


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hvala za branje pregled. Naj živi Slovenija! Editor-in-Chief Leighton Bradford

Možni zunanje sodelovanja v političnem procesu

Hvala za branje pregled. Naj živi Slovenija! Editor-in-Chief Leighton Bradford

Justin Ruben ( - ustreza (TBR) eksplozivne novo poročilo pravkar prišel ven in kaže, da tuje družbe, so sredstva nekaj $ 75000000 Ameriške gospodarske zbornice, je poraba za poraz demokratov teh volitvah cycle.1

Funnelling denarja iz tujih interesov na ameriških volitvah je zvezni zločin. In če bomo imeli vero v naših volitvah, moramo vedeti, da niso bile kupljene s strani tujih korporacij.

Toda večina volilnih preiskav traja dolgo časa, ki bi lahko pustite na volitvah leta 2010 v okviru oblak za let. Zato smo vložili uradno zahtevo, da ministrstvo za pravosodje, da razišče, vendar moramo pokazati podporo širše javnosti za takojšnje ukrepe za zaustavitev senata uporabljati denarja, ki predstavlja tujci interese vplivajo ameriški senat elections.The trdi, da je internih sistemov, da denarja ločeno, vendar poročilo kaže, da tuje družbe darovati neposredno na splošno sklada zbornice, ki je, če sredstev za financiranje svojih političnih napadov prihaja. To bi predstavljalo šokantno neupoštevanja dolgoletne ameriške zakonodaje financiranje kampanje, vse za napredek podjetja, desničarski dnevni red outsourcing delovnih mest in daje veliko davčnih olajšav za večnacionalno corporations.2

Glede na poročilo senata je domnevno zbiranje denarja iz podjetij v "Kitajska, Indija, Egipt, Saudska Arabija, Brazilija, Rusija, in mnogih drugih mestih." Tudi ruskih bank in podjetij v državni lasti nafte v Abu Dhabiju je morda prispevala.

Zbornica porabi več kot katera koli druga skupina za nazaj desno krilo republikancev in napad progressives na volitvah. Smo vložil uradno pritožbo na ministrstvo za pravosodje, vendar moramo jim takoj umaknejo, ali pa bomo kmalu prepozno.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Who would you invite to dinner, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X? Light Skin vs. Dark Skin an internal issue of race.

Editor-in-Chief Leighton Bradford 
An esteemed relationship with a Black woman is the most coveted aspect of our race. There are men locked up right now flexing for a presumed Cleopatra. Displaced ambition is manipulated and leads to social degradation. Meaning; brothers will steal, deal, and kill to obtain a "rep" (reputation for Mandingo prowess), and the affection of said Nubian Queen aka Black woman.  Misogyny within the rap world is often young men voicing anger and frustration, with not being able to provide the traditional means for their woman. It is the responsibility of an identified race to police an industry, community, block, and race! If you purchase the music or attend the show calm yourself.  Ever since our anthropological ancestors or "Lucy" aka Australopithecus afarensis, females within a species seek out a male which will ensure her offspring safety, and promote the best genetic signature for the future. That's the first concept within this piece, you with me?

There is a letter or brochure from an English slave holder by the name of willie lynch which taught the finer points of divide and conquer, check this out:

. While Rome used cords of wood as crosses for standing human bodies along its highways in great numbers, you are here using the tree and the rope on occasions. I caught the whiff of a dead slave hanging from a tree, a couple miles back. You are not only losing valuable stock by hangings, you are having uprisings, slaves are running away, your crops are sometimes left in the fields too long for maximum profit, you suffer occasional fires, your animals are killed. Gentlemen, you know what your problems are; I do not need to elaborate. I am not here to enumerate your problems, I am here to introduce you to a method of solving them. In my bag here, I HAVE A FULL PROOF METHOD FOR CONTROLLING YOUR BLACK SLAVES. I guarantee every one of you that, if installed correctly, IT WILL CONTROL THE SLAVES FOR AT LEAST 300 HUNDREDS YEARS. My method is simple. Any member of your family or your overseer can use it. I HAVE OUTLINED A NUMBER OF DIFFERENCES AMONG THE SLAVES; AND I TAKE THESE DIFFERENCES AND MAKE THEM BIGGER. I USE FEAR, DISTRUST AND ENVY FOR CONTROL PURPOSES. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences and think about them. On top of my list is “AGE,” but it’s there only because it starts with an “a.” The second is “COLOR” or shade. There is INTELLIGENCE, SIZE, SEX, SIZES OF PLANTATIONS, STATUS on plantations, ATTITUDEof owners, whether the slaves live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine hair, course hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of action, but before that, I shall assure you that DISTRUST IS STRONGER THAN TRUST AND ENVY STRONGER THAN ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION. The Black slaves after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for HUNDREDS of years, maybe THOUSANDS. Don’t forget, you must pitch the OLD black male vs. the YOUNG black male, and the YOUNG black male against the OLD black male. You must use the DARK skin slaves vs. the LIGHT skin slaves, and the LIGHT skin slaves vs. the DARK skin slaves. You must use the FEMALE vs. the MALE, and the MALE vs. the FEMALE. You must also have white servants and overseers [who] distrust all Blacks. But it is NECESSARY THAT YOUR SLAVES TRUST AND DEPEND ON US. THEY MUST LOVE, RESPECT AND TRUST ONLY US. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control. Use them. Have your wives and children use them, never miss an opportunity.IF USED INTENSELY FOR ONE YEAR, THE SLAVES THEMSELVES WILL REMAIN PERPETUALLY DISTRUSTFUL. Thank you gentlemen.” This speech was delivered by Willie Lynch on the bank of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1712.  Lynch was a British slave owner in the West Indies. He was invited to the colony of Virginia in 1712 to teach his methods to slave owners there. The term “lynching” is derived from his last name". 

The second concept is the most recent Light Skin vs. Dark Skin phenomenon. I was recently listening to a local radio station in Memphis, TN with the call sign 97.1FM, and the DJ's (Sometimes funny man Prescott) whatever the hell that really is; went on about a light skin brother day. If a Black woman prefers either a light skin or dark skin brother that's on her! Cats that perpetuate the myth, because they can't attract a female otherwise; moreover, their genetic makeup precludes normal procreation, really role up their sleeves on this one. Every African -American has a relative that runs the gambit in regards to color and hue. It becomes a sad joke for confused folk, perpetuating this tail, spun by one of the most diabolical minds, this side of Adolph Hitler. It seems a few individuals buy into this scheme, at the expense of reason and understanding. Angela Davis as opposed to Harriet Tubman; Malcolm X as oppose to Dr. King; Rosa Parks as oppose to Fannie Lou Hamer; President Barack Obama as oppose to Johnny Cochran. In a nut shell, we are all human beings that deserve equality and freedom, and a world devoid of self hate

The last concept is sons and daughters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. I am quite certain you recognize the aforementioned entity. Basically they will be out in public whispering to someone "Man that light skin nigga ain't shit"!