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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to Get Two More Votes Against "Big Brother"

TBR-Rep. Alan Grayson 
Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives came very close to ending the National Security Agency's unconstitutional and illegal surveillance of every American. An amendment to do just that fell a few votes short.

The "intelligence community" pulled out all the stops to defeat this amendment. Members of Congress were told that if we did not allow the military to collect enormous quantities of data on every single American citizen, the next "9/11" would be on our conscience. NSA General Keith Alexander held four hours of secret briefings on the Hill, just before the vote. Republicans Michele Bachmann and Tom Cotton treated the amendment as though it were the End of Days. Bush-era counterterrorism officials who failed to prevent the 9/11 attacks swore that domestic spying is necessary to prevent new 9/11 attacks. (In the world of counterterrorism, apparently, failure makes you an expert.) Even the White House, sadly, weighed in in favor of continued pervasive domestic surveillance.

Despite this, 111 Democrats -- a majority of all the Democrats in the House -- joined 94 Republicans and voted to end domestic spying. That's 205 votes against the secret surveillance state. Among the votes against surveillance was Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, the original author of the Patriot Act, and highly respected among right-wing Republicans on national security issues. Even some of the Members who voted wrong on this amendment clearly were with us in spirit, but they were cowed by the fear of being blamed for some hypothetical future terrorist attack.

This large number of House Members voting against the NSA was a stunning rebuke to the "intelligence community". This was the first vote on this issue, but not the last. To win, we need just 11 more House Members with the courage to stand up for our rights.

And I know how we can get two more: by electing them. One can come from a district in Massachusetts, which was vacated when former Congressman Ed Markey was elected to the U.S. Senate. Another can come from a district in Pennsylvania that is being vacated because the current officeholder is running for Governor.

I know candidates in both districts who have a realistic shot at winning these seats. Both candidates strongly oppose unconstitutional domestic surveillance, and both have said they would have voted with me in favor of ending it. I have mentioned one already -- Daylin Leach, from Pennsylvania. The other candidate is Carl Sciortino in Massachusetts, a state legislator who has opposed the expansion of state wiretapping authority.

(Fmr.) Rep. Alan Grayson

And here's Leach on domestic spying:

"The NSA policy that the Amash Amendment attempted to rein in is an outrageous shifting of the historic balance between liberty and security. It abandons not only the requirement of individualized suspicion, but of any suspicion at all. It allows the government just to collect,en masse, the phone records of hundreds of millions of Americans. It allows the government to know who we call, when, and for how long we speak, every time we use the phone." 

And here's Sciortino:

"I have opposed pointless wiretapping in Massachusetts, and I will fight against it in Congress. Protecting individual liberties is something progressives must stand up and fight for. Unwarranted spying on law-abiding Americans is a violation of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution. I would have been proud to have voted in favor of reining in the NSA. Putting aside the fact that it is not even clear that this NSA policy is, in fact, making us safer, that broad justification is insufficient. The noble end does not justify ANY means. We as a people must be wary, not only of those who would make us less safe, but also those who would make us less free. We must defend our borders, and our liberties. And we must do so in an open, transparent and thoughtful way."

If we help elect Leach and Sciortino, that's two more votes to stop the NSA from spying on us. But more than that, if we can demonstrate to current Members of Congress that there is real support by voters and donors against this illegal surveillance, then we can win those Members over to our side. Right now, all too many of them get their campaign money from the Spying Industrial Complex ("SIC"). Let's prove that there are both money and votes on our side of this important issue.

Please contribute to the Leach and Sciortino campaigns today. Let's put more people in the People's House who will stand up for our freedoms.

Now, these are True Blue Democrats.


Rep. Alan Grayson

P.S. Please share this on Facebook or Twitter.

Monday, July 29, 2013

James Irby, MS Blackman, still missing? Walls, MS police chief (Gary Boisseau) is fired under the intense scrutiny. NAACP introduces heavy allegations!

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
On Saturday, May 4th, 2013, James Irby disappeared from the face of the earth! It was by chance I contacted the Baltimore, MD, NAACP HQ office, offering my services. I spoke with an old friend, and she referred me to Charles Hampton, Vice-President, legal redress committee, NAACP MS State Conference. Mr. Hampton’s tenacity and professionalism stood out immediately! Mr. Hampton cut right to the chase when spoken to,” James Irby had minor brushes with the law, I want to get his record?” “Walls, MS police department gave conflicting statements of James Irby’s location during the traffic stop,” said Mr. Hampton. Vice-President Hampton suggested an apparent cover up, by the Walls, MS police department. He asked me to help him continue with a fact-finding mission. Mr. Hampton mentioned the FBI’s involvement with the case. Agent Walter Henry, FBI civil rights division, would meet with Mr. Hampton in the near future.

On 6-3-13, I received a call from Mr. Hampton that the James Irby case was closed, and the Irby family was satisfied with FBI agent Henry’s findings.


On 6-10-13, TBR contacted the mayor’s office, speaking with a Kathy Gordon, Town Clerk, City of Walls. “I heard he (Chief Boisseau) was going to give a press conference as well; I will forward your contact information.” “I will be quite honest, that’s all I know.” She never called back, so I contacted the departments Assistant Chief Harris, on 6-11-13, Assistant Chief Harris made the following comments:

TBR asked Assistant Chief Harris, "Is Mr. Irby still missing?“ "James Irby is still missing?" "Where did officer Zack Jenkins pull Mr. Irby over at"? “Highway 61 southbound-south of church road/near Brentwood manufacturing facility.” “Officer Zack Jenkins said he ran across north bound traffic fleeing incident.” “Got cadaver dogs (2), they followed trail towards Highway 61 southbound were the trail ended.” “I think someone probably picked him up?” “I will provide you with police report."

On 6-17-13, I met with Assistant Chief Harris at the Walls, MS police department office. He had a difficult time explaining where his officer pulled Mr. Irby over. I explained the concerns the NAACP had with the excessive number of African-Americans/Memphians being pulled over. After retrieving the police report I left.

The intrigue started to build. Why would an individual admit to driving issues, light up a cigarette, get on the cell phone with a family member, and then run into a southern marsh? A later conversation with Mr. Hampton revealed the continued impounding of the Irby’s family vehicle (1987 Oldsmobile Cutlass, green in color, MS tag). A number of people following the case found it peculiar officer Zack Jenkins was placed on leave, right after the Irby incident. On 6-8-13 I was pulled over by a Desoto county sheriffs deputy Coleman, after we dispensed with the pleasantries, and I was told I drove to close to a routine traffic stop, he asked me about the James Irby matter. He was told it was an ongoing investigation. I realized MS law enforcement new I was on the map. The Officer who pulled me over let me go. Yeah interesting? I went out the next day just to get a reference as to the topography of the presumed location of the traffic stop. Imagine acres of farmland, an adjacent marsh in the near distance, and Brentwood manufacturing plant off to the side. Where did Mr. Irby end up or go? Anyone else would have halted an investigation after the Irby family said they were satisfied. Mr. Hampton was not easily swayed. FBI agent Henry, reviewed videotape of Officer Jenkins stopping James Irby, later surmising no apparent wrongdoing. Several people presented a wide array of unanswered questions. And then a bombshell was revealed to TBR on 7-19-13, Walls, MS police Chief Gary Boisseau, was let go! VP Hampton hinted around or suggest a misappropriation of approximately $5300, from the aforementioned police department!  “I am in contact with a man from Florida who claims Walls, MS police stole $300.00 from him when pulled over.” I know my readers want to know if the department is shaking people down during traffic stops. I will continue to research this very issue.

On 7-24-13 at 1630 I received a returned call from the interim chief.

I asked the following questions: (1) Are you now the chief of police? Yes I am the interim chief. (2) Why was the past chief let go? The mayor called a special session removing Chief Gary Boisseau. He handed me his keys as he left the building.

Desoto County Sheriff’s Office, Officer Lent Rice, informed TBR the department did assist with a department helicopter and hydro-tek (amphibious vehicle) in the search for Mr. James Irby. “Mr. Irby is still missing” said Officer Lent Rice. Sheriff Rasco said his department will help authorities with any of the department’s available resources. The NAACP State Conference president and vice-president are planning a detailed news conference at a later date. There may have been some vandalism to Mr. James Irby vehicle as well? TBR will inform its readers, when the NAACP convenes a news conference.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Uncle Sam = Big Brother?‏ Rep. Alan Grayson's Eloquent Call To Action!

TBR-special to TBR Rep. Alan Grayson
In George Orwell's novel 1984, "Big Brother" is the dictator of Oceania. No one knows whether Big Brother is a real person, or simply the personification of the dictatorship. Big Brother spies on every citizen through "telescreens." Everyone is reminded constantly, "Big Brother is Watching You." Let's compare that to the recent revelations about the Orwellian-named National Security Agency (NSA), an arm of the U.S. Department of Defense. News reports in the Guardian and the Washington Post have uncovered a secret court order dated April 23, 2013, issued to Verizon. Verizon is the largest cell phone company in America. The court order requires Verizon to give to the NSA "all call detail records or ‘telephony metadata' created by Verizon for communications (i) between the United States and abroad; or (ii) wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls. " "Call detail records" are records of who you called, when you called, and how long you spoke.

The court order in the news reports is classified, and it's marked "Declassify on: April 12, 2038."

There is no reason to think that the NSA singled out Verizon. So that implies that the NSA is collecting records of every telephone call that you and I make, even local telephone calls. In fact, Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who worked at the NSA, told reporters that he could get the records for the calls from the President's own personal cell phone.

The NSA has not denied that it is collecting call records on every America. On the contrary, the NSA sees nothing wrong with it.

I see three fundamental problems with this:

This is worse than the proverbial "fishing expedition"; this is like putting the entire ocean through a sieve. It makes a mockery of the Fourth Amendment's requirement that government searches be "particular."

This assumes not only that everyone is guilty until proven innocent, but that everyone is guilty. The Fourth Amendment limits searches to cases of "probable cause," meaning that a prudent and cautious person would reasonably believe that the search will yield evidence of a crime. Obviously, most phone records have absolutely nothing to do with the commission of any crime.

Providing this information to the Department of Defense violates the fundamental principle that our military does not operate on American soil, against American citizens. That principle has been embodied in law since the 1870s. From this perspective, providing this personal call record information to DoD is no different from providing it to the CIA - another agency that is not allowed to operate on US soil.

The news reports also reprinted five pages from an NSA PowerPoint presentation about the NSA's "Prism" program. According to that NSA presentation, the NSA collects information "directly from the servers of these U.S. Service Providers: Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple.""What information?", you may wonder. This information, according to the NSA presentation: "E-mail, Chat-video, voice, Videos, Photos, Stored data, VoIP [Voice over Internet Protocol], File transfers, Video Conferencing, Notifications of target activity - logins, etc., Online Social Networking details [and] Special Requests."

The PowerPoint presentation in the news reports is classified, and it's marked "Declassify On: 20360901" (Meaning Sept. 1, 2036.)

The plain meaning of this, in the context of the presentation, is that the NSA is pulling unlimited amounts of e-mails from Microsoft's hosted Hotmail accounts, e-mails from Google's hosted Gmail accounts, search records from Google's search servers, private "friend" communications from Facebook's servers, the content of telephone calls from Skype's VoIP service, etc., etc.

Regarding the Prism program, despite what the presentation specifically states, the NSA contends that it cannot actually collect information directly from the servers of all those internet service providers. The NSA also has put out that it collects such information (e-mails, photos, call content, etc.) only for foreigners not residing in the United States. Honestly, I don't know how the NSA could do that in any reliable manner, because Google, Microsoft, Facebook and all the others have no way of knowing your citizenship or your residence. But that's what the NSA is saying.

The bottom line is that the NSA evidently is getting call information on virtually every phone call by virtually every American, it is definitely getting the e-mails and call content of foreigners, and it may or may not be getting the e-mails and call content of Americans.

So is Uncle Sam actually Big Brother? I won't dwell on the convoluted intimate relations that would be necessary to make your uncle also your brother. Rather, as noted above, the essence of Big Brother was that "Big Brother is Watching You." Uncle Sam isn't physically observing you at all times - that much is true. But if Uncle Sam is receiving information about every phone call that you make (as the NSA concedes), and Uncle Sam has access every other electronic communication of yours, including your e-mails and web browsing and storing it all (which the NSA disputes), then yes, Big Brother is Watching You.

I think that it's wrong, and it has to end. As do the 13,000 people in 24 hours who signed the petition supporting our legislation at Because we can't protect our freedom by destroying it.

I understand that there may be some people who see no problem in the Department of Defense monitoring their communications. I also understand that there are some people who have been so traumatized, so terrorized, by terrorism that they are willing to give up all of their freedom - all of everyone's freedom - for the promise of some safety.

I am not one of those people.

Click here for freedom:


Rep. Alan Grayson

"Ain't the pictures enough, why do you go through so much,

To get the story you need, so you can bury me.

You've got the people confused. You tell the stories you choose.

You try to get me to lose the man I really am.

-Michael Jackson, "Privacy" (2001).

P.S. I'll say it again -- Please, please, please forward this to your friends, and urge them to sign the petition. Twitter, Facebook, everywhere.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

"King Maker" A Crafted Message Within Politics

Mr. Leighton Bradford, Dr. Bradford, and President Clinton.

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief

I look back on my days with the Clinton/Gore campaign and marvel at the once in a lifetime opportunity. We slept on cots, ate very little, and attempted to matriculate through college. I remember how gracious President Clinton was to his staff and well-wishers. I was still attending classes at ASU in my BDU's, raising hell with my professors, and writing for the AZ Informant newspaper. The chair of the political science department requested my presence. I met with him, and he informed me I would be working with the Clinton/Gore campaign representing the college. I admired President Clinton and was excited about working with the campaign. The opportunity helped me forget the war or "Desert Storm". The people in my family wanted me to be nice and don't piss anyone off.

 I was a brash cat, always about justice and uplifting my race. How would I intertwine the ensuing opportunity with actual change? The thing that irritated me about most blacks in Arizona; had to be their bourgeoisie mentality or wealth or status is more important than equality, freedom, or a chance at an opportunity.  A crafted message within politics is what President Clinton and the AZ coordinated campaign had. It's what is lacking in the mid-south.

What I saw from President Clinton was not an act! While working with the President's advance team, I saw nothing but brothers, veterans & women securing his effects. It was not just about political theory or what I was studying, but the brass tacks of running a political campaign. We were called "King Makers"! A still have fond memories of Sam, Melodee, Beth, etc... I remember when Melodee told me I was the press avail coordinator, and we had to facilitate a visit from the actor Danny Devito! Man! I was like what? I never forgot what Mr. Devito told us, "Now listen, I don't want to be seen in a white limousine" "I'm serious Leighton".  I laughed my ass off but met his brother and he at the Hyatt regency, where Devito helped to raise $35,000 in one night! For the first time since 1948 (Truman) a democratic president won the state of Arizona!

 As Secretary Clinton's campaign ramps up, I am torn between the loyalty I have for the Clinton's, and my disagreement on but a few key issues. My country is reeling from economic woes and reality television. Well, the financial crisis is serious and has destroyed lives. As a heterosexual Christian your faith is truncated and turned against you. The DNC forces you to deal with absolutes. My experience with Mississippi has made me wonder how democrats ever won an election. A crafted message espouses a decent living wage, health care, veteran hiring, made in USA etc...  President Obama must not let extremist actions, destroy our civil liberties.  As a small business owner, I cringe at outsourcing and the claim that the veterans I served with in the USAF and went to college with, can't turn this thing around! Third party politics will be the demise of the aforementioned entity; unless OWS,, African Americans and the poor, are heard and integrated within the crafted message. We must not succumb to the modern industrial war complex, President Eisenhower foretold. The trenches of a campaign are in the mid-south. We must create parity along all lines of human endeavor. My dream of ending hunger and disease will be accomplished. Just hire my fellow American graduates and let us get to work!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Not on my campus‏! One judge called a GEO prison a "cesspool of unconstitutional and inhuman acts and conditions"

The GEO Group makes $1 billion a year running private prisons like these -- and now they want to spend some of that money to put their name on a stadium on my college campus, Florida Atlantic University.

TBR--Gonzalo Vizcardo
The private prison company the GEO Group has been found to run some of the most disgusting prisons in America. One judge called a GEO prison a "cesspool of unconstitutional and inhuman acts and conditions" -- places where children were placed in solitary confinement, guards sexually assaulted inmates, and prisoners regularly attempted suicide.

The GEO Group makes $1 billion a year running private prisons like these -- and now they want to spend some of that money to put their name on a stadium on my college campus, Florida Atlantic University.

This is not okay with me. I'm a student at FAU, and I will not see my university help a notorious prison corporation whitewash its name on the side of the tallest and most prominent building on my campus, which can be seen from the highly-trafficked I-95 highway and from the many office buildings and residential neighborhoods near my university. I started a petition on calling on FAU's President and Board of Trustees to reverse their deal with the GEO Group to license naming rights for a stadium on campus -- will you click here to sign?

Private prisons are hugely problematic, because they run prisons based on profits, not what's best for prisoners or for society. For example, an NPR investigation in 2011 found that GEO Group prisons have far fewer guards than government-run prisons. Prisoners have even died waiting for medical attention.

In fact, the GEO Group's prisons are so bad that the state of Mississippi kicked them out of the state entirely, as did Australia in 2003. I don't want their name on my university's stadium if an entire state and country kicked them out.

Students and professors on campus are angry -- we've staged protests at the university president's office, and she's even agreed to meet with us this Friday. I know that if enough people sign my petition, she and the Board of Trustees will see that giving the GEO Group good PR isn't worth all the bad PR they'll get for making this deal.

Click here to sign my petition calling on FAU's President and Board of Trustees to reverse their deal with the GEO Group to put their name on the side of a stadium on campus.

Thank you,

Gonzalo Vizcardo

Lake Worth, Florida

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Soul Solace excerpt from e-book

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
It’s funny how an individual’s mortality serves as a self-evaluating vehicle of your overall existence.  Ashes to ashes and dust to dust go us all. As I write, I reflect on the pictures sitting on my neglected desk, indicative of the sovereign winds, blowing in eternal change.  Life held ever so dear, only after it sponsors what makes the soul significant.  Sier rose from his semi-conscious state, as though he was Lazarus emerging from the grave.  Silence is all around the clinical walls, whitewashed, sterile, and indifferent.  The nurse begins to methodically check the brothers’ vitals as if nothing is new or different. 

A faint murmur comes from Sier.  A hushed silence pervades every aspect of the Intensive Care Unit.  Anxiety abounds, as our presumed hero un-asses fate and impending doom.  You can hear a pin drop in the room; a distant whimper is the only apparent thing that drowns out an uneasy stilled silence.  This brother dares to dream of life no doubt.  A life so neat, a life so fragile, all he seems to want is life.  “Sier! Please answer me!” “God almighty, help him, help him!”  “Dear Heavenly Father we are in need of your grace. A grace that will enable us to cope Father, Lord help this man, help him.” 

 Each page of life is turned towards judgement day.  The conceptual meaning warrants most people attention.  Tupac Shakur once said, “Niggas" gon hate you for whatever you do." Mandee remembers hearing Sier refer to Tupac’s quote.  The quote sits idle, as she gazes into the eyes of her bedridden man.  She ponders this phrase or gesture, Sier borrowed so frequently from “Pac.”  Her face resolute, but troubled; tears welled up in her lovely eyes.  Those eyes seem to be a mirror towards the soul, beyond a mere encroachment or physical trait. Will the window reveal her essence?  Shall our couple meet the fate that lies before them?  Please imagine Sier and Mandee sitting all alone in the hospital room, neither of them not knowing what lies ahead.  And the days wane not necessarily revealing its basic intent.

intellectual property of BE

Friday, December 28, 2012

Redefining Marriage Sign of a Lost Society

TBR - Star Parker contributor
One significant development in the recent election was votes in four states approving same sex marriage initiatives. Until now, all previous state referenda to approve same sex marriage – 32 of them - failed.

The Wall Street Journal editorial page – a place where conservatives usually turn for intellectual capital – saw this as cause for celebration.

According to the Journal, marriage definition should come from voters, not from court orders. Americans, they argue, have “shown themselves more than capable of changing their views on gay marriage the democratic way.” In other words, our definition of marriage should follow process, not principle. Let voters decide.  “As views on gay marriage change, and a growing number of Americans support it, politics will follow. This is how it’s supposed to work.”

I’d guess if I asked the Wall Street Journal editors if the American constitution should be viewed as a “living document” – if our understanding of its words and what they mean should be open to change to reflect attitudes of the moment – they would say “no.” Liberals think the constitution should be re-engineered every few years like an iPad. So it is not surprising when liberals, for whom tradition is meaningless, trash once sacred institutions in favor of impulses of the moment.

But it does surprise me when those whose politics are supposedly right-of-center, who view America’s founding documents as sacrosanct and give the highest priority to preserving their integrity, are cavalier regarding the integrity of an institution thousands of years older than our constitution.

But it’s a point of view not uncommon.

In other words, our definition of marriage should follow process, not principle. Let voters decide.
While Parker mocked the Journal’s editorial board for its “let voters decide” message, that is the exact same sentiment her allies in the Religious Right have expressed: Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage clearly stated that “we support letting voters decide this issue,” and Jeremy Dys of the Family Policy Council said “voters know that there is no legitimate reason not to let the people vote on the definition of marriage.” Apparently, anti-gay activists are only okay with voting if their side wins.
Parker went on to compare voting to legalize same-sex marriage to voting to enact slavery, arguing that they are both “evil” and lead to “moral chaos”:
In the 1850s, Stephen Douglas proposed solving the dilemma of whether slavery should be permitted in new states by suggesting that they should just vote. What could be more American than submitting the question of slavery to the democratic process of each state?

To this Abraham Lincoln observed: “God did not place good and evil before man telling him to make his choice. On the contrary, He did tell him there was one tree, of the fruit of which he should not eat, upon pain of certain death. … I should scarcely wish so strong a prohibition against slavery in Nebraska.”

Lincoln’s rejoinder to the idea of “popular sovereignty” – that states should vote to determine if slavery would be legal – was that there are core truths – truths that define right and wrong, good and evil – that precede the democratic process.

To reject this premise is to buy into moral chaos, which is what we are approaching today.

The claim that somehow it is a sign of a healthy, free society that by way of the vote we can rewrite our language, our dictionary, our oldest, time-tested traditions is a sign of how lost we are.

Same-sex marriage advocates argue that their efforts will save the embattled institution of marriage. But this takes a symptom of the disease and calls it a cure.

As American society has become more self-centered and materialistic, family and marriage have been imploding.

To deal with the crisis of the collapse of family and marriage by redefining what they are is the sign of a society losing its way.

Fortunately, America is still a free country. Individuals can make their own choices about how they choose to live.

But taking personal choices to deviate from our social standards of right and wrong, true and false, and decide to change those truths and standards, so that nothing is any longer considered deviant, is a bridge to nowhere.

Friday, October 26, 2012

“I am the law!” “You don’t tell me the law, I interpret the law!” Judge John A. Donald should be removed from bench!

TBR-Memphis, TN
As we approached the division 3 court room, the bailiff was sitting in the court reporters station, leaned back in a chair. He got up telling people or began instructing where not to stand and threatening to take cell phones. A diminutive man, barking at the court participants, as though he was at a carnival attraction! I looked at my contingent and was astounded at the lack of respect within the court room. This same individual attempted to intimidate me moments later, while taking the stand to testify. The overbearing bailiff sat on the court room divider, trying to stare down respondents, arms folded, hovering over folk. This same court official would not accept the portfolio containing evidence from a case, telling the judge, most did not report the evidence earlier. I soon began to realize the judge sanctioned his bailiff activities. Once judge John A. Donald entered the court room, that’s when the caustic lecturing and court decorum began to break down! “I am the law!” “You don’t tell me the law, I interpret the law!”

The lessor in judge John A. Donald’s is assured a win in the court. The realtor or business owner filing as a plaintiff, succeeded in every instance? Judge Donald yelled at a 7 month old pregnant African-American young lady suing for $200 dollars from a security deposit. In a condescending tone, he insulted the unfamiliar folk, just trying to seek justice. He quickly denied my attorney’s request for a motion of continuance to prepare for a trial, “I don’t know why you were allowed to continue this far,” said Judge Donald. We went to trial an hour and a half later approximately. An attorney explained he would be late assisting a client in the third circuit court proceeding. The judge said the attorney never gave him this information. The individual was forced to move forward with the case pro se, trying to put up a defense in lieu of his strange and belligerent behavior? He would not allow crucial evidence that would have exonerated the defense. Yelling at the top of his lungs “You aint no lawyer son!” During the trial; a lawyer was allowed to interrupt the trial and was granted a full motion, when certain attorney's were not? The constant belittling and lecturing, about his sole authority, was always at the fore front within the tribunal! The judge basically said that the law is as he deems, and not what society has mandated or ordained. In my opinion he needs to be removed from the bench, and under go an evaluation as to his judicial fitness. Not the mention totally ignoring the constitution?

Within one of the cases,  the judge basically said that three government agencies [Fire Department, City of Memphis Code Enforcement, & MLGW] had no relevance in the case. Mold, an identified gas leak, holes in the wall, faulty wiring, improper permit stance, material breach of a contract, fraud, no heat, half of the light fixtures inoperable, have no place in the aforementioned matter set before the court. A tenant has no rights whatsoever, and if you try to suggest otherwise, you will suffer the consequences.

 The aforementioned court official feels the tenant has no rights under "Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act." 66-28-102. Application. In one case they adamantly tried to discuss the unconscionable nature of the lease, the fact the supposed agent never accepted a payment from the defendants, or was not allowed to give relevant proof of payments made towards this issue. To include a code enforcement document the plaintiffs client had not complied with on the ensuing date of the trial.  Judge Donald would not  allow a defendant to provide an invoice from work performed, because of the identified slum lord would not make safety of life repairs. “Maintenance issues are not admissible in my court, its about the non-payment of rent,” said Judge John A. Donald.

 He adamantly sabotages an attempt for a respondent to engage a matter pro se.

My question is simple. Is judge John A. Donald working for an unspecified business group? His position seems to benefit a select group of business, engaging in deceptive business practices.

Monday, September 17, 2012

My Heavenly Father, Save My People!

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
Since when does a person being released from prison, garner more respect and admiration than a Persian Gulf/Afghanistan veteran? The youths of today profile consist of sagging britches, tattoos, and an attitude. The stated value becomes a disturbing normative distinction, within the Black community. Malcolm X, Dr. King, Huey Newton/Bobby Seale, Angela Davis, Muhammad Ali, Ivan Van Sertima and Harriet Tubman did not fight for the aforementioned concept! While visiting some of my relatives, a distant kinfolk, described his felonious caper with the same pride a PGA tour pro sinking a hole in one! “Man! When Po Po pulled me over the 3 hundred had 10 keys nigga!” And this man was as sincere as a deacon in church. A 40+ year old man documenting the exploits of his sad existence!

President Obama and his lovely wife Mrs. Obama counter this contrived distinction. Aircraft mechanics, Pilots, Engineers, Hotel managers, entrepreneurs, teachers, trash collectors, dentists, and barbers/beauticians are noble professions, not drug dealing and being a so called “THUG”! Were the sit-ins at the lunch counter or protests at Edmund Pettis bridge, so that we may denigrate our culture to the point of biblical condemnation? We need to stop making drug dealers, ghetto super stars.  Work must begin on removing their kind from our communities.

 African-Americans must take control of their own destiny! People of color must refute stereo typical inner-city motifs. White supremacists are exploiting inner city anguish, they are cool with our degraded plight! Black women tell your daughters it’s not okay to be promiscuous or have a number of kids out of marriage. The ultimate goal is a stable relationship! Black women tell your daughters not to cloud gender specified roles, it emasculates your sons. Tele-evangelists are afraid to condemn the ultra-feminizing of black men.  The end game is to lock up Black men and covet the womb of their race! Boycott foreign national business, that don’t support the Black community! Denounce jack leg preachers, who fail to properly interpret the bible, or condemn the sickness that surrounds their culture. We must refute vultures hovering over our short comings.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Herod Revisited

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief - originally published Houston/La Vida News
Popular culture is ever so reluctant to let Tupac Shakur go despite the death of the entertainer a short time ago. Is there any correlation between his death and the working towards the demise of other leaders? Are Black male leaders being purged from American society, making way for an ideal or premise that coincides with white supremacy?

 During the time of Jesus, a ruler by the name of Herod engaged in what was described as infanticide of male Hebrews. Ron Brown (Fmr. Secretary of Commerce), Tupac Shakur, Mickey Leland, El Hajj Malik Shabazz, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Marcus Garvey and Huey Newton are a number of Black men silenced for whatever reason.

What will this become, yet another conspiracy theory? Or will society come to grips with this disturbing trend? Another variable within this equation revolves around the high incarceration and death rate of Black men. How can a scholar or African leader live with the destruction of hope? There also remains the short list of Black men hemmed up over trumped-up charges and imprisoned because of it. If only we could see into the past, maybe the future. What would we do? Maybe adjust flaws of character, and bring back Moses? Are any of these acts or actions related? What measures will some take to keep power out of the hands of Africans? Geo-political destabilization of Africa and America may benefit a white supremacist ideal; our old friend divide and conquer rears its ugly head. The aforementioned issues suggest fault--I ask candidly, who is to blame? There is a belief that certain elements within American society are administering policies which seek to destroy or destabilize the American Black male.

Young Black men are not being nurtured to hold power. So similar are the tactics of Herod, attuned with the shadowy enemy of a would-be messiah. Is there a direct correlation between a male leader of African descent, and an effort to work towards his demise? In college, some taught the varying aspects of logic, be it deductive or inductive. Why not borrow from this concept and begin to look further in what has been suggested. Maybe it's a coincidence that so many Black male leaders have been assaulted. W.E. B. Dubois spent his mature years in Accra, Ghana. Dubois may have washed his hands of society's treatment of individuals of African descent. Hopefully life for young Black men can be productive and prosperous so long as King Herod doesn't get a hold of them. Our current leaders have yet to devise a plan which embraces the young Black male, in an apprentice like posture, preparing them for leadership. So many questions, so few answers--our faith shall respond to all.