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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Creating parity within international trade with China!

TBR -- Washington D.C. L. Bradford Editor-in-Chief
Whenever you’re at home, look around at what might be a manufactured good. Let’s start with your kitchen! Go and pick up any electronic device and find out where it was made? Chances are it was manufactured in China. With the U.S. economy bordering on a historical depression. Unemployment and foreclosures are at record highs, thus, the need for financial due diligence becomes apparent. Japan filed a WTO complaint in regards to Ontario’s local-content policy. Canada requires 50% of exported goods be made in Canada. Senator Charles E. Schumer [D, NY] has expressed to the august body he represents, the trouble with an economic stimulus going to foreign business.

China is a declared communist regime! The Nixon administration was credited for opening modern diplomatic relations with the sleeping giant. The inner city classmate majoring in Chinese, I went to college with, becomes a profound gesture. She had the insight to take advantage of the awakening power of U.S.-Sino relations. Some would denounce creating a more favorable U.S. tariff with China as protectionism! There are elements within the U.S., that consider trade deficits an attack on national security. What if one day China told the U.S. not to pursue an embargo on a terrorist sponsoring nation; at least not until they finalize a trade deal? The Wheeler-Lea Act of 1938, enabled the FTC the ability to suppress unfair trade practices, whether unfair to competitors or consumers. "Trading with the enemy act of Oct.6, 1917"; May be an attributed point of reference as well.

Keeping the American worker gainfully employed should not be a conservative or liberal agenda, but a U.S. agenda. As recent college graduates raise their hand patiently within the opportunity lecture; a cautionary tail arises with proponents of skilled workers afforded work visas, while companies fail to demand efficient HR recruitment practices. Devoid of xenophobia, there are a multitude of highly skilled workers right here in the U.S.. Foreign investment affects the average American in so many different ways. China has saturated our country with cheap goods. There is a direct correlation of the wares pricing, and its competitive effect upon U.S. manufacturing. The working class American is forced to accept low wages associated with the Sino on our overall GDP and the U.S. worker.  NFTA created parity for Mexican citizens, but not blue collar American workers! You don't have to fight a conventional war with the U.S., when you can undermine there economy. The rust belt understands the dynamics of of a bad trade initiative. When you control how U.S. citizens acquire gas or convient services, you undermine mom and pop stores through out the U.S. 

 Should the FTC/SEC collaborate with the State Department and NSA in a more deliberate manner? Further; as it relates to quantifiers of foreign invbestment, Threat Levels [National Security], and Trade Deficits, which just hit $1.3 trillion? Globalization will contend with protectionism; until the WTO, and foreign regimes, begin to create parity along all lines of global trade. My former boss comments lend to the aforementioned subject matter, ”I started CGI in 2005 to help turn good intentions into real action and results” William J. Clinton, 42nd President of the United States. Wal-Mart is involved with CGI. Wal-Mart is a company that relies on China for a number of manufacturing goals.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Why are certain individuals stereo typing African-American Politicians?

Are apathy and a political cash cow; the ultimate hurdle, in regards to disenfranchised voters? ‏
TBR-Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
It is disheartening that so many individuals within the great state of Mississippi have resigned themselves, to being a second-class citizen. There adherence to the legacy and effects of oppression. A non-profit organization hired to familiarize the ongoing public about redistricting, should refrain from condemning African-American candidates. So as to not misconstrue what was said, I pose this question? Has Melvin Young with Southern Echo warned people about the dangers of voting for minority candidates? Further; does he have a problem with the written communications attempting to galvanize the once disenfranchised voters of the great state of MS.? There is a term used to describe an entity that benefits from misery and social deprivation. I have heard a few phrases being tossed around!

The role of a minister is to heal his flock spiritually, and be active within the body politic, akin to Dr. King. Being retired or a baby boomer seems to create a lack of urgency. There is still a good ole boy system when it comes to minority procurement bidding! The Democratic Party needs to be about free enterprise. We must be about lending to Small Business and under-privileged Europeans, Asians, Hispanics, and Black men! This will create jobs and opportunity. Most baby boomers have not effectively fought for their descendant’s rights. I want to instruct the NAACP, Europeans are not the problem. It is complacent individuals who have benefited from the civil rights movement, and want to hold on to power at all cost, and either are incompetent or lack the leadership skills necessary to govern. I spoke with the VP of the NAACP MS State Conference, Anthony Witherspoon. In between over talking me in our conversation, he talks the good talk, but I have not seen any improvements within De Soto Co. As to the De Soto Co. NAACP President Thomas Plunkett, beyond a harsh stare at the redistricting meeting, I don't know what that brother is doing. The National affiliated NAACP seems to be right on track with their initiatives The De Soto Appeal & Ch. 24 Eyewitness News should try and cover all involved at the next meeting.

As long as the select few are fortunate and content, they are in no hurry to engage! Until you stand up to ultra conservative supremacist, their going to continue to think we are ignorant and backwards! Until you tell professional Blacks not to become elitist and give back, there is work to do. If you have an entity broke and in a contrived manner, what makes you qualified to lead? As a Persian Gulf veteran, I believe the country I fought for can do better. Former President Bill Clinton has garnered love and admiration from every conceivable ethnic makeup. President Barack Obama should not try to counter every dissenter as Gen. Colin Powell stated, but stay the course, President Bush screwed up this economy not you Mr. President! You are righting the ship my man!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ms. Jacobs Called A "Nigger Lover" Because She Supports Fairness Towards Blacks In Desoto Co.

TBR-K. Jacobs Corresponding-OXFORD
DeSoto County's black residents, who say they generally have been shut out of local elected offices, want state legislators dealing with a decade of population changes to create at least one minority district that will represent their interests. During the activities a man from the crowd yelled out "Nigger Lover"!, while Ms. Jacobs spoke. 

The Joint Legislative Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting is holding 12 meetings across the state to gather citizen input into how Mississippi's 52 Senate districts, 122 House districts and four U.S. House Districts should be redrawn to ensure equality of representation. Such redistricting must be done after every U.S. census to make sure no district is substantially larger or smaller than another to comply with the Supreme Court's one-person, one-vote requirement.

During Thursday evening's stop in Oxford, several black DeSoto County residents appealed to legislators to establish a majority-black district in what, according to 2009 estimates, is by far the state's fastest-growing county. "We'd ask you all to really consider moving the (district) lines so an African-American can be elected," said Rev. Nathaniel Partee of Lake Cormorant.

Partee and a handful of other speakers laid out their concerns to the redistricting committee during an hour-long hearing at the University of Mississippi's Fulton Chapel. "We feel we haven't been properly represented. That's the bottom line," Partee said. DeSoto County presents legislators with a particularly difficult challenge because the county's population has grown faster than any other in the state, with an estimated 42 percent growth between 2000 and 2010.

Many of those new residents are minorities and live in the northern part of the county, said Michael Smith of Southaven, vice chairman of the DeSoto County Democratic Party. Smith told legislators that DeSoto County had more than 34,300 black residents, about 22 percent of its total population, according to 2009 estimates.

"Ask them (legislators) to consider a majority district that's representing a minority," he told committee members.

Rep. Tommy Reynolds, D-Water Valley, vice chairman of the committee, assured the gathering of about 50 people that the redistricting process would be unbiased. "We'll try to come up with something we all can be proud of and be fair," Reynolds said. He said legislators are required to develop districts that will have a population difference of less than 10 percent between the largest and smallest.

Legislators said the U.S. Census Bureau has told lawmakers they should have population figures from the 2010 census by Feb. 7.


Monday, August 16, 2010

What The WTO Held Regarding Airbus/Aviation

TBR--Leighton Bradford Publisher Europe - [Reference]
Since the WTO released to the parties its 2010 ruling on European government
subsidies to Airbus on March 23, Airbus has been spinning its substance. Most
critically, through press releases and the like, Airbus has repeatedly said:
1. 70 percent of the US claims were rejected.
2. The European reimbursable loan mechanism, otherwise known as “launch aid,” is
a legal and WTO-compliant source of aircraft development funding. Past loans
were found by the WTO Panel to contain a certain element of subsidy.
3. Support provided to Airbus under this or other mechanisms caused no material
injury to any US interest.
4. Possible future funding for the A350 is not affected in any way by the report.
5. The Panel refused the US request for remedies as legally inappropriate.
What the WTO in fact said, however, is now abundantly clear from the justpublished
• “[A]ll of the challenged [Launch Aid] contracts may be characterized as
unsecured loans granted to Airbus on back-loaded and success-dependent
repayment terms, at below-market interest rates,” Para 7.525, and “[e]ach . .
. involves a unique transfer of funds at below-market interest rates to one
particular company, Airbus.” Para 7.497.
• “[W]e conclude that the United States has established that ... each of the
challenged [Launch Aid] measures constitutes a specific subsidy.” Para 8.1.
• “[T]he [EC] and the governments of France, Germany, Spain, and the
United Kingdom have, through the use of specific subsidies, caused serious
prejudice to the United States’ interests . . . .” Para 7.2025.
• Moreover, “German, Spanish and UK A380 contracts amount to prohibited
export subsidies within the meaning of Article 3.1(a) and footnote 4 of the
SCM Agreement . . . .” Para 7.689.
• “[Launch Aid] transfers risk from Airbus to the governments.” Para 7.1898.
• Had Airbus “launch[ed] these aircraft relying on only market financing, the
increase in the level of debt Airbus would have accumulated over the years
would have been massive.” Para 7.1948.
- 2 -
• “[T]he [EC]’s calculations [of the subsidies] vastly underestimate their
magnitude.” Para 7.1971.*
• “[T]he [EC]’s calculation greatly understates the amount of the benefit
associated with the specific subsidies we have found were provided in
respect of Airbus LCA, which in our estimation is substantial and
significant.” Para 7.1972.
• “It follows that even in the unlikely event that Airbus would have been able
to enter the LCA market as a non-subsidized competitor, we are confident
that it would not have achieved the market presence it did ...” Para 7.1984.
• “Airbus’ market share is directly attributable to its ability to sell and deliver
in the [EC], and relevant third country markets, LCA which it would not
have available but for the subsidies ...”. Para 7.1985.
• “Had Airbus successfully entered the LCA industry without subsidies, it
would be a much different, and we believe a much weaker LCA
manufacturer… [T]he United States’ LCA industry, at a minimum, . . .
would have had a larger market share . . .” Para 7.1993.
• “[T]aking into account the nature of the prohibited subsidies we have
found in this dispute, we recommend that the subsidizing Member …
withdraw [them] without delay and specify that this be done within 90
days.” Para 8.6.
As to Airbus’ claims regarding A350 funding -- The WTO has now found that
every instance of Launch Aid ever given to Airbus violated the requirements of the
Subsidies Agreement. Airbus cannot now replicate those same past patterns
without again violating the agreement. And the USTR has been clear: It will
vigorously enforce against A350 Launch Aid. EADS’s own shareholder materials
recognize this incontrovertible reality as well, warning shareholders that:
This ruling “may limit access by EADS to risk-sharing-funds for large projects (…)
[and] may theoretically cause the [EC] and the involved governments to analyse
possibilities for a change in the commercial terms of funds already advanced to EADS.
(…) [N]o assurances can be given that government financing will continue to be made
available in the future, in part as a result of the proceedings mentioned above.”
* See Para 7.1878 for a comprehensive survey of the “five types of measures” the panel held were all illegal specific
subsidies that caused adverse effects to U.S. interests: Launch Aid; Infrastructure; R&D funding; Government share
transfers; and Equity infusions.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Don Barden and Majestic Star Have Sold The Fitz! 1st Black to own a casino in Las Vegas, NV!

"Don H. Barden and Majestic Star Have Sold The Fitz Casino!" Former NFL star Jerome Bettis had holdings with the company, will pursue his standings"?
TBR -- Tunica, MS  Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
The Majestic Star Casino, LLC is a gaming holding company founded in Gary, Indiana by Don H. Barden. Now based in Las Vegas, Nevada, it is the largest black-owned casino operator in the United States and the first and only black-owned casino in Las Vegas Nevada. Fitz Casino & Hotel Fitzgerald's Casino and Hotel is a 34-story, 638-room hotel and casino in downtown Las Vegas. Fitzgerald's is owned by Barden Nevada a subsidiary of The Majestic Star Casino, LLC.  Don H. Barden (born December 20, 1943, Detroit, Michigan) is an American casino executive. Barden is the Manager, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Majestic Star Casino, LLC since its formation, with responsibility for key policy making functions.  Mr Barden has had the keen business insight to stave off difficult detractors and politicians, keeping especially the Pennsylvania effort and Tunica "Fitz" on a progressive and stable course.  Jerome "The Bus" Bettis and family have committed to Mr. Barden's efforts as well! The Fight At The Fitz has been a successful brand. It was a prime time element on most cable formats.  It held its most recent event at the Desoto Civic Center in Southaven, MS. Barden's company has well over $402.5 million dollars in assets.  They spent $6 million dollars renovating the Tunica enterprise.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Treatise On Poverty

TBR--Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
You need not refer to lofty ideals of language when describing the pain and suffering associated with poverty. Opulence and Neo-Darwinism are the prevailing attributes of a decadent society. The cold weal of market forces, should not dictate whether a wage earner, can or cannot provide for their family. A human being should be afforded a decent livable wage. A decent livable wage rewards hard work, but allows for the sanctity of human dignity. The Bush administration leaned towards undermining varying social safety nets and regulatory constraints.

The American dream should be the most sought after goal. Critiques should not appear to be self righteous or cynical. The average American citizen has the right to succeed. Success must not coincide with Racism, Neo-Darwinism, or Conservatism. What are you conserving? A premise or ideal, justifying the gross disparity between the haves and the have nots.

Civic leaders become empowered, with the resources offered a family, with the creation of a decent livable wage. I imagine a direct correlation between the stability of paying more and the measurable decrease associated with economic crimes. Keeping an American family intact must be a priority. The reliance on the greater good of a philanthropist or corporate captain is shameful. There are a number of people who would slip through the cracks. An increase in pay will not hinder companies bottom -line. Implementing this plan may shore up a worker's lifestyle. Meaning, more money in an individuals pocket, thus, more items consumed. This would provide a catalyst for a natural economy. An economy strengthen by the fiscal responsibility of stabilizing the average families home.

The latter day share-cropping of a right to work state, impedes the progress of the middle class. At will employment has become the anti-thesis of unions and organized labor. The blind greed of a select few, over shadows the implicit need of restraining an entity, from turning a profit at all cost. The most recent business climate reflects the aforementioned statement. How did we come to allow our corporate lions Ca rte Blanche as it relates to free enterprise? These presumed barons of industry relish in paying the average worker little or nothing, thereby, fronting Globalization. Our business model cannot compete with socialized business such as China or Mexico. Sir Thomas Hobbes Leviathan; may help us keep it real when it comes to power and money. Some may feel his body of works on society remains cynical (Hobbes). The reality of this cynicism admits to the fallibility of man. Believe it or not we sometimes are not right. Hobbes attempted to warn us of the un-tethered aggression within humanity, and the need for constraints or control. Neo-Darwinism and its cousin, conservatism, promotes racial and economic division; along with class warfare. You often see politicians and journalist taking jabs at each other on television, verbal jousting, "Much to do about nothing!" I am for certain that at one point in time, media personalities paid less attention to their fame, and more towards getting the story right.

The working poor must feel slighted when there less privileged sons and every now and then daughter, are sent off to battle the enemy, returning to earn minimum wage. Why do businessman feel so threatened by paying their employees a decent livable wage? Man shall be separated from beast! A person has the right to exist does he not? How about the ability to pay the light bill!