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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Beyond a whisper

Upper photo-My aunt and whisper Nicholas Caldwell at my father's funeral.

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief 

I remember my folks telling me about how talented my father was, and that he created or started the R&B group the whispers! My mother told me about how he played the guitar for her and eased towards her fondness. Not bad for a brother from South Central LA! The sixties were a turbulent time, Watts, CA exploded into a riot after the death of Malcolm X and soci
al degradation. I possess books recovered from the Watts riot; it has shaped my knowledge of Black Consciousness. My latest struggles within the uplifting of my people within the south, allows me to reflect on what I took for granted, growing up on the west coast. I was born in South Central LA, it has molded my understanding of the pitfalls of inner city life. Black people are doing great things, despite socio-economic deprivation. I never knew I would be countered within the aforementioned construct. My brothers and sister's aren't afforded the sacrifices made towards freedom. My southern brothers and sista's still fear shadowy bigots. Racism is alive and well.  My parents were the catalyst for this chosen path. My relatives kept telling me to watch the unsung depiction of the group. I said to myself the unsung person is my father. Clarence Andrew Bradford gathered his classmates together at Jordan High School in Watts, California; beginning what we now know as the Whispers! My father could play the guitar, dance and sing.  My uncle use to tell me  that my father could fight and handle himself around the block. Most of the Whispers ate and stayed with my grandparents during their formative years. I'm told the Bradford refrigerator nourished the group. The passing of my father and Nicholas Caldwell, allowed me to reflect on my fathers past accomplishments. My mother, Dr. Bradford, made sure his memory was truthful. She told me how they had house parties in the sixties, and she danced better than my father.  The last memory of my father was him driving an early seventies Eldorado Cadillac, heading toward a gig. I never talk about this part of my life. The Whispers founder choreograph, sang, and played several instruments. "Needle In A Haystack", was the whispers first hit! After a stint within the army, the twins came later in the group. People only know the Don Cornelius/Solar version. The group has had countless hits.  Andrew Bradford played several instruments. Contributing to the neo-soul sound
of today. The music of today could benefit from the timeless soul music created by the Whispers. I know there are some that read this and want me to be negative, and concentrate  on people's problem's. Sure they were human beings who had problems. My father started one of the most profound R&B groups of all time!