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Monday, May 30, 2011

The U.S. needs to lobby for Moldova, Ukraine, & Georgia inclusion within the EU, Creating opportunities for U.S. aviation entities such as (BE), etc..

TBR--Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
США повинні лобіювати Молдови, України, Грузії і включення в ЄС, створюючи можливості для осіб США авіації, таких як (BE), і т.д.

The EU consists of 27 nations, and boast nearly 500 million residents, within its populated scope. With a still recovering U.S. economy, American aviation would benefit from the new markets created by including Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia into the EU. EU international aviation relations goals as of 2008; expressed by Gilles Gantelet, gave the following synopsis:

"However, airlines still have less commercial freedom when flying to countries outside the EU, and passengers have less choice. International aviation has traditionally been governed by bilateral agreements between individual countries, restricting the number of airlines on the routes concerned, the number of flights and the possible destinations.

To overcome these limitations, the EU is extending its aviation policy beyond its borders. First, any bilateral agreements that are not in line with the freedom of operation deriving from the single market need to be revised to ensure legal certainty and to put all EU airlines on an equal footing for flights to countries outside the EU"(Gilles Gantelet,EU Aviation Rep.).

Moldova has elected Vlad Filat, a pro-western leader. The U.S. & EU should support a christian-democratic ideal. American aviation must look for new markets! Moldova has a common Romanian ancestry, a GNI@ca pita of 1,590 USD, a population of approx. 3.6 million. Georgia and Ukraine's inclusion would help to stabilize the former soviet bloc countries, thwarting NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) development and use.

The nine declared EU FAB (Functional Airspace Block)introduces initiatives that contain cost, and facilitate optimum safety, within aviation. A U.S. aviation company(BE) Bradford Enterprises, would assist developing nations secure there role within the EU, by implementing the deming approach. "Monetary rewards are not a substitute for intrinsic motivation" Deming. The aforementioned nation of Moldova, and its EU inclusion, along with companies such as Raytheon, American Airlines, (BE)Bradford Enterprises, will help to create jobs in not only the U.S. but the world! (BE) and its research and development(R/D) visionaries could provide R/D for the further development of composites, and their effect on an aircraft's co-efficient of drag. APU's and eco-jet fuels, can be integrated within the cruising speed of an aircraft at altitude, allowing for optimum performance, decreasing fuel consumption. Further details would infringe on a future patented idea. Composites will provide an alternative to aviation grade aluminum.  Sum mum Bonum or greatest good within aviation, would rely heavily on integrated technologies and their optimum use!

If the brilliant President Woodrow Wilson hesitated and embraced isolationism, which is argued not to be the best foreign policy. President Obama's small business initiative lends itself to a better goal. The untapped resources of the African diaspora would ultimately bolster trade! Why should the U.S. accept a trade and global marketing policy that is akin to a hamstrung global isolation aviation agenda?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Трактат про бідність

TBR Лейтон Бредфорд редактор головний
Вам не потрібно звернутися до високих ідеалів мовою при описі болів і страждань, пов'язаних з бідністю. Розкіш та нео-дарвінізму є переважаючою атрибути декадентського суспільства. Холодної блага ринкових сил, не повинні диктувати чи найманий працівник, може чи не може забезпечити для своєї сім'ї. У людини повинні бути надані гідні Житлова заробітної плати. Житлова гідної заробітної плати нагороди важка робота, але дозволяє недоторканність людської гідності. Адміністрація Буша нахилився до підриву різної соціального захисту та нормативних обмежень.

Американська мрія повинна бути найпопулярнішим мети. Критики не повинні по всій видимості, саме праведним чи цинічним. Середній американський громадянин має право на успіх. Успіх не повинен співпадати з расизмом, нео-дарвінізму, чи консерватизм. Що ви збереження? Приміщення або ідеал, виправдовуючи нерівновага між імущими і незаможними.

Громадські лідери отримують можливість, з ресурсами, пропонованими сім'ї, зі створенням походження Житлова заробітної плати. Я вважаю, пряма кореляція між стабільністю платити більше і, зниження пов'язаних з економічними злочинами. Збереження американській сім'ї недоторканими повинні бути пріоритетними. Опора на благо філантроп або корпоративних капітан соромно. Є цілий ряд людей, які будуть просочуватися. Збільшення заробітної плати не буде перешкоджати компаній нижнього рядка. Реалізація цього плану може зміцнити образ життя працівника. Значення, більше грошей у кишеню окремих осіб, таким чином, більше деталей споживається. Це забезпечило б каталізатором для натурального господарства. Економіки зміцнення до фінансової відповідальності стабілізації середнього будинку сімей.

Останній день издольщина з права на працю держави, перешкоджає прогресу середнього класу. За бажанням зайнятості стала анти-теза союзів і профспілок. Сліпий жадібності обраних, за тіні неявній необхідність стримування особи, від повороту прибутку будь-якою ціною. Останній ділового клімату відображає згадане вище заяву. Як ми прийшли, щоб наші корпоративні львів Ca RTE Бланш, як воно відноситься до вільного підприємництва? Ці передбачається баронів промисловості задоволенням платять в середньому працівник нічого або майже нічого, тим самим, що виходить глобалізації. Наша бізнес-модель не може конкурувати з соціалізовані бізнесу, таких як Китай або Мексика. Сер Томас Гоббс Левіафан, може допомогти нам зберегти це реально, коли справа доходить до влади і грошей. Деякі з них можуть відчувати його тіло працює на суспільство залишається цинічним (Гоббс). Реальність цього цинізму визнає помилковість чоловік. Вірте чи ні, ми іноді не праві. Гоббс намагався попередити нас про не-прив'язав агресії в людство, і необхідність обмежень або контролю. Нео-дарвінізм і його двоюрідний брат, консерватизм, заохочує расову та економічного відділу, поряд з класової боротьби. Ви часто бачимо політиків і журналіста приймаючи удари один на одного по телебаченню, словесні лицарські, "багато що належить зробити ні про що!" Я напевно, що в один момент часу, працівників засобів масової інформації приділяли менше уваги своєї слави, і більшою мірою на отримання історії права.

Працюючих бідних повинно відчувати себе обмеженим, коли є менш привілейованих синів і те і дочка, відправляються в бій ворогові, повертається, щоб заробити мінімальну заробітну плату. Чому бізнесмен відчуваю себе так загрожує платити своїм працівникам гідну заробітну плату Житлова? Людина повинна бути відділений від звіра! Людина має право на існування, він би і ні? Як щодо платоспроможності світло Білл!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Downed Helicopter at Bin Laden Compound - A Cornucopia of Secrets

TBR--RF Cafe contributor

Tail section of U.S. Helicopter during bin-laden raid-Reuters

When I heard about the helicopter that went down during the raid at the bin Laden compound, my first concern after the safety of the crew was that now a high technology aircraft would be available to the enemy for inspection. Even after learning that the craft was "blown in place," I was still worried that unless some high temperature incendiary material like white phosphorous was used prior to the explosion, the pieces remaining would be intact enough to glean useful info. My worst fears were confirmed with the release of photos by Reuters (always sure to post images that could harm the U.S.) showing not just this large section of the tail boom and rotor, but also smiling kids walking around with scrounged parts of airframe and electronics gear. As an engineer who spent many years tearing down other company's designs to figure out how they designed and implemented leading edge circuits (and also checking for patent infringements), I can tell you that a circuit or system does not have to be in full functioning order to yield critical information. Material samples are now available for the stealth skin composition, lamination and attachment methods, and facet angles. Super quiet airfoil and blade shape data is available. Metallurgical studies will no doubt be carried out in Russia and China on the transmission and bearing assemblies. Even fuel and lubrication samples will get a thorough examination. Have you seen the photos of how the FAA reassembles aircraft in a hangar when an accident occurs? Some of our best communications gear is also being reassembled like a jigsaw puzzle. Über top secret circuits will be studied and replicated using information from multi-layer substrate construction, component attachment, and special microelectronics devices formulated and built in über top secret facilities to provide our elite fighters with the world's best equipment (some of which, reportedly, mysteriously blacked out for 25 minutes during the actual raid). Samples of proprietary software and firmware will be reverse engineered as well. Imagine the delight on the faces of Red Army engineers sitting in their labs when they inspect the flight controller system and see all those microcontrollers with "Made in China" stamped on them!.

[Intellectual property Rfcafe-Photo Reuters]

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Governor Barbour declared a State of Emergency in 39 counties. Biological Haz. Ventura Co. CA, US

Casino employees prepare for 100 year flood!
 TBR -- MS
 L. Bradford Editor-in-Chief
The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency has received initial reports of damage from 48 counties across the state and the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. Governor Barbour declared a State of Emergency in 39 counties. and Entergy reports over 20,000 customers were without power Wednesday night. There are 11 confirmed storm related deaths and more than 40 injuries reported in the Magnolia State.

Visitors are no longer able to visit the Tunica, River Park, nor ride the Tunica Queen. 
  All across the Mississippi Wednesday night residents are picking up the pieces from that severe weather system that moved through. The driver of an 18-wheeler died near Oxford Wednesday morning after his truck hit a tree that had fallen across Highway 30. Serious damage was left by the severe weather that blew through Oxford. Buildings lost roofs and debris is scattered for miles. Emergency crews began assessing the extent of the damage Wednesday night. The body of a 66-year-old man has been located after an intense search in Marshall County. Authorities said the man went missing early Wednesday morning after driving his vehicle into flood waters. The man's car was found hours later, but he was not inside. Emergency responders located the man's body shortly after 4:00 p.m. off Highway 7, north of Holly Springs. And those same flood waters led to the Marshall County Sheriff's Department having to rescue some residents. They helped people get out of their homes and reach drier areas. Meanwhile, flood waters are raging in Tunica. neighborhoods have been overtaken by water and now the rising Mississippi River is causing casinos there to close. The area's 9 casinos are on staggered closing over the next several days as the water rises.

An AT&T tower was knocked out too, so cell phone use was hampered, leading to the injury of a deputy. As severe weather made its way through Rankin County early Wednesday morning it knocked down huge oak trees. Several casino's within Tunica Co. have hired teams to repel the raging waters of the MS. The Fitz has set up an alternate location, but power is still on and the mighty MS. has not entered the building.  Tunica cut off has been evacuated! As of 5-1-11; MS. waters are expected to crest to potentially 45 ft, flooding levels, adjacent to Memphis, TN; Desoto Co.; MS and Tunica Co., MS.  An Illinois casino worker informed a tunica casino representative; to prepare for the worse, they received several inches of rain! TBR

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Resurgent Uncle Tom and E. Franklin Frazier's Black Bourgeise

TBR Leighton Bradford Editor-in-Chief
If you think European, Asian, Hispanic ice is colder than Black-ice, you are probably not going to like this article.  We tend to romanticize the civil rights struggle or movement. The leaders of this period run the gambit of skill and ability. Angela Davis, Dr. King, Malcolm X, Medger Evers, Kwame Toure, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Fred Hampton, Eldridge Cleaver, Betty Shabazz, Dr. Benjamin Hooks, Thurgood Marshall etc...  Dr. Dubois mentioned within the text of his book, "The primary concerns in Black Folk "Is the way the "veil" stands in the way of Blacks need to gain skills, employment, and property."   Bigots tend to reward individuals of African descent, who present the path of least resistance, towards empowerment and opportunity. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a book entitled "Uncle Tom's Cabin", I am quite certain there are readers squirming in their seats as we speak. 

Man I might even provide a list of persons so removed from their culture; it can only be described as a sickness.  With the feminizing of specifically Black males and our daughters' bodies being exploited for economic gain, it all adds up. The last statement was in reference to an accepted behavior. E. Franklin Frazier gave a poignant look into the world of a bourgeoisie black. This group is rewarded for basically not making any waves, and dancing a jig for racism.  Getting along with other cultures is not the definition of a culturally challenged individual.

The Pan Hellenic association is one of the most intriguing entities I have ever witnessed. They seem to think they corner the market in regard to leadership.  They only involve their own members jobs and opportunities, moreover, benefiting a select group of elitist and separatist's.  When I attended college, I use to watch the buffoonery and spectacle of most of these cats. Some graduate, other's find it difficult to rely on the sisterhood or brotherhood, when things get tough! Dr. King was a alpha, if I am not mistaken, but the pronounced way they separate the well-educated, from the rest of their culture, is as suspect as twitter being located in San Francisco.  Whatever happened to 'Burk" on Grey's anatomy?  If you internalize self-hate to the degree of applying the social law of diminishing returns, that's you!  It's amazing how society embraces comfortable stereotypes and forces them upon our Psyche. It is my opinion, racism and oppression, drives a number of African Americans insane. Maybe one day we will diagnose oppression and its effects within a category of illness. I dedicate this piece to the culturally challenged hata's.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

America spends more money incarcerating its citizens than educating them! Mr. Jealous, President NAACP

TBR Washington D.C. , press release.... special to TBR
Ben Todd Jealous,
President and CEO

America spends more money incarcerating its citizens than educating them.

That's not an exaggeration. It's a fact.

The NAACP's new report, Misplaced Priorities, shows how much money states spend on their criminal justice system compared to their education system -- and what that means for our communities.

The results are astounding. Over the past 20 years, for example, state spending on prisons grew at six times the rate of spending on higher education. Our country is home to just five percent of the world's population, but we make up a staggering twenty-five percent of the world's prisoners.

You can do something about this crisis. That's why the NAACP has launched a petition asking all 50 state governors to get their priorities straight and fix this problem with a set of smart reforms to keep our communities safe. Add your name now, and make sure your voice is heard in your state capital:

In 2009, as the nation plummeted into the deepest recession in 30 years, funding for K-12 and higher education declined. But for prisons, the reverse was true. That year, 33 states spent more discretionary dollars on prisons than in 2008.


As our children fail to get the education they deserve, our prisons are filling up at an alarming rate. And, as usual, those most affected are communities of color. We know drug treatment is a smart alternative for non-violent offenders. It is also significantly cheaper. Educational opportunities are also cost-effective, and lead to a marked reduction in neighborhood crime. Relatively minor investments in treatment for those suffering mental illness mean fewer people in jail and more contributing members to society. There's no denying the irrational increase in prison spending, and its impact on state budgets and our nation's children. But there is something you can do about it. 

Sign our petition to tell America's governors to support the NAACP's reforms that will focus on making sure we invest in schools, not prisons.  Thank you for taking the time to help us speak out to America's governors, and show the strength of our resolve to change our country's misplaced priorities.

It's time we stop over incarcerating and under educating.



Benjamin Todd Jealous

President and CEO


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hvala za branje pregled. Naj živi Slovenija! Editor-in-Chief Leighton Bradford

Možni zunanje sodelovanja v političnem procesu

Hvala za branje pregled. Naj živi Slovenija! Editor-in-Chief Leighton Bradford

Justin Ruben ( - ustreza (TBR) eksplozivne novo poročilo pravkar prišel ven in kaže, da tuje družbe, so sredstva nekaj $ 75000000 Ameriške gospodarske zbornice, je poraba za poraz demokratov teh volitvah cycle.1

Funnelling denarja iz tujih interesov na ameriških volitvah je zvezni zločin. In če bomo imeli vero v naših volitvah, moramo vedeti, da niso bile kupljene s strani tujih korporacij.

Toda večina volilnih preiskav traja dolgo časa, ki bi lahko pustite na volitvah leta 2010 v okviru oblak za let. Zato smo vložili uradno zahtevo, da ministrstvo za pravosodje, da razišče, vendar moramo pokazati podporo širše javnosti za takojšnje ukrepe za zaustavitev senata uporabljati denarja, ki predstavlja tujci interese vplivajo ameriški senat elections.The trdi, da je internih sistemov, da denarja ločeno, vendar poročilo kaže, da tuje družbe darovati neposredno na splošno sklada zbornice, ki je, če sredstev za financiranje svojih političnih napadov prihaja. To bi predstavljalo šokantno neupoštevanja dolgoletne ameriške zakonodaje financiranje kampanje, vse za napredek podjetja, desničarski dnevni red outsourcing delovnih mest in daje veliko davčnih olajšav za večnacionalno corporations.2

Glede na poročilo senata je domnevno zbiranje denarja iz podjetij v "Kitajska, Indija, Egipt, Saudska Arabija, Brazilija, Rusija, in mnogih drugih mestih." Tudi ruskih bank in podjetij v državni lasti nafte v Abu Dhabiju je morda prispevala.

Zbornica porabi več kot katera koli druga skupina za nazaj desno krilo republikancev in napad progressives na volitvah. Smo vložil uradno pritožbo na ministrstvo za pravosodje, vendar moramo jim takoj umaknejo, ali pa bomo kmalu prepozno.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Who would you invite to dinner, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X? Light Skin vs. Dark Skin an internal issue of race.

Editor-in-Chief Leighton Bradford 
An esteemed relationship with a Black woman is the most coveted aspect of our race. There are men locked up right now flexing for a presumed Cleopatra. Displaced ambition is manipulated and leads to social degradation. Meaning; brothers will steal, deal, and kill to obtain a "rep" (reputation for Mandingo prowess), and the affection of said Nubian Queen aka Black woman.  Misogyny within the rap world is often young men voicing anger and frustration, with not being able to provide the traditional means for their woman. It is the responsibility of an identified race to police an industry, community, block, and race! If you purchase the music or attend the show calm yourself.  Ever since our anthropological ancestors or "Lucy" aka Australopithecus afarensis, females within a species seek out a male which will ensure her offspring safety, and promote the best genetic signature for the future. That's the first concept within this piece, you with me?

There is a letter or brochure from an English slave holder by the name of willie lynch which taught the finer points of divide and conquer, check this out:

. While Rome used cords of wood as crosses for standing human bodies along its highways in great numbers, you are here using the tree and the rope on occasions. I caught the whiff of a dead slave hanging from a tree, a couple miles back. You are not only losing valuable stock by hangings, you are having uprisings, slaves are running away, your crops are sometimes left in the fields too long for maximum profit, you suffer occasional fires, your animals are killed. Gentlemen, you know what your problems are; I do not need to elaborate. I am not here to enumerate your problems, I am here to introduce you to a method of solving them. In my bag here, I HAVE A FULL PROOF METHOD FOR CONTROLLING YOUR BLACK SLAVES. I guarantee every one of you that, if installed correctly, IT WILL CONTROL THE SLAVES FOR AT LEAST 300 HUNDREDS YEARS. My method is simple. Any member of your family or your overseer can use it. I HAVE OUTLINED A NUMBER OF DIFFERENCES AMONG THE SLAVES; AND I TAKE THESE DIFFERENCES AND MAKE THEM BIGGER. I USE FEAR, DISTRUST AND ENVY FOR CONTROL PURPOSES. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences and think about them. On top of my list is “AGE,” but it’s there only because it starts with an “a.” The second is “COLOR” or shade. There is INTELLIGENCE, SIZE, SEX, SIZES OF PLANTATIONS, STATUS on plantations, ATTITUDEof owners, whether the slaves live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine hair, course hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of action, but before that, I shall assure you that DISTRUST IS STRONGER THAN TRUST AND ENVY STRONGER THAN ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION. The Black slaves after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for HUNDREDS of years, maybe THOUSANDS. Don’t forget, you must pitch the OLD black male vs. the YOUNG black male, and the YOUNG black male against the OLD black male. You must use the DARK skin slaves vs. the LIGHT skin slaves, and the LIGHT skin slaves vs. the DARK skin slaves. You must use the FEMALE vs. the MALE, and the MALE vs. the FEMALE. You must also have white servants and overseers [who] distrust all Blacks. But it is NECESSARY THAT YOUR SLAVES TRUST AND DEPEND ON US. THEY MUST LOVE, RESPECT AND TRUST ONLY US. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control. Use them. Have your wives and children use them, never miss an opportunity.IF USED INTENSELY FOR ONE YEAR, THE SLAVES THEMSELVES WILL REMAIN PERPETUALLY DISTRUSTFUL. Thank you gentlemen.” This speech was delivered by Willie Lynch on the bank of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1712.  Lynch was a British slave owner in the West Indies. He was invited to the colony of Virginia in 1712 to teach his methods to slave owners there. The term “lynching” is derived from his last name". 

The second concept is the most recent Light Skin vs. Dark Skin phenomenon. I was recently listening to a local radio station in Memphis, TN with the call sign 97.1FM, and the DJ's (Sometimes funny man Prescott) whatever the hell that really is; went on about a light skin brother day. If a Black woman prefers either a light skin or dark skin brother that's on her! Cats that perpetuate the myth, because they can't attract a female otherwise; moreover, their genetic makeup precludes normal procreation, really role up their sleeves on this one. Every African -American has a relative that runs the gambit in regards to color and hue. It becomes a sad joke for confused folk, perpetuating this tail, spun by one of the most diabolical minds, this side of Adolph Hitler. It seems a few individuals buy into this scheme, at the expense of reason and understanding. Angela Davis as opposed to Harriet Tubman; Malcolm X as oppose to Dr. King; Rosa Parks as oppose to Fannie Lou Hamer; President Barack Obama as oppose to Johnny Cochran. In a nut shell, we are all human beings that deserve equality and freedom, and a world devoid of self hate

The last concept is sons and daughters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. I am quite certain you recognize the aforementioned entity. Basically they will be out in public whispering to someone "Man that light skin nigga ain't shit"!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

European Commission US subsidies to Boeing are illegal, says WTO

TBR international Press Release[Please review, tbr associated piece, What the WTO held...]CIVIL AVIATION Brussels, 31 March 2011

EU wins key WTO case proving Boeing received billions in subsidies from United States

EU wins key WTO case proving Boeing received billions in subsidies from United States The European Commission welcomes the WTO Panel report published today which found that billions of dollars in US Federal and State subsidies granted to Boeing are illegal under WTO rules. This landmark ruling has clearly confirmed the EU’s position on all of its main claims, Notably that between 1989 and 2006 the US Federal and State governments granted WTO-incompatible subsidies to Boeing amounting to at least US$ 5.3 billion. Planned future subsidies are estimated to be worth between US$ 3 to 4 billion.

"This WTO Panel report clearly shows that Boeing has received huge subsidies in the past and continues to receive significant subsidies today. The US began this dispute in 2004 and now finds itself with a crystal clear ruling that exposes its long-running multi-billion dollar subsidisation of Boeing through Federal and State programmes as illegal.", said EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht. "These subsidies have resulted in substantial harm to EU interests, causing Airbus to lose sales, depress its aircraft prices and unfairly lose market share to Boeing. The detrimental costs to EU industry from this lengthy and onerous subsidisation run into billions of euro. We therefore welcome the WTO Panel's report and call on the US Government to take the appropriate steps that may assist to achieve a mutually agreed solution to this dispute.", Commissioner De Gucht added.

The report is supported by clear and solid findings from the Panel covering each of the main sources of subsidisation provided by the US, including: (i) R&D programmes funds granted by NASA and the US Department of Defense (DoD) to Boeing amounting to US$1.3 - 2 billion; (ii) NASA and DoD "general support" to the tune of US$ 1.5 billion; (iii) Foreign Sales Corporation (FSC) export subsidies – US$ 2.2 billion; and (iv) Washington State tax breaks to a value of up to US$ 4 billion for the period 2006-24.

All of these subsidies are in violation of WTO Rules since they constitute actionable subsidies which cause adverse effects to the interests of the EU and Airbus. The panel also confirmed that the federal FSC/ETI tax breaks for Boeing amount to prohibited subsidies, which according to WTO rules must be withdrawn by the US without delay.

These massive subsidies from multiple US Government sources have enabled Boeing to develop new aircraft, and in particular the 787 "Dreamliner", at much lower cost than would otherwise have been the case.

In contrast to the Panel in the Airbus case, this Panel quantified the amount of WTO-incompatible subsidies granted to Boeing. Support to Boeing has been and continues to be in the form of non-repayable grants or free access to government facilities, as opposed to that in the Airbus case where the most important instrument, Repayable Launch Investment (RLI), was considered to be WTO-compatible in principle, with the subsidy element being, for certain cases, solely the difference in conditions provided in comparison to other repayable commercial financing.
Background to the WTO Aircraft Cases
Since October 2004, the EU and US have been contesting at the WTO their Governments' respective support to their aerospace industries. Both WTO challenges relate to alleged illegal WTO support to respectively Airbus and Boeing over a 20 to 30 year period.

Prior to these WTO challenges, US and EU government support to their aircraft producers had been regulated by the so-called "Bilateral EU-US Agreement on Trade in Large Civil Aircraft". This agreement, concluded in 1992, allowed each party to provide a certain level of support to their respective aircraft industry. In the case of the EU, the agreement permitted granting of so-called "Repayable Launch Investment" to Airbus i.e. loans repaid with interest under terms specified in the Agreement. In the case of the US, it allowed a certain level of government financed R&D support to the US aerospace producer, Boeing. In order to monitor compliance with the terms of the bilateral agreement, annual meetings and regular exchanges of information took place.

On the 6 October 2004, the United States quite unexpectedly and unilaterally announced its withdrawal from the 1992 Agreement and immediately filed a challenge at the WTO of all EU support ever granted to Airbus, even though the US had previously agreed to this support.
In turn, the EU was left with little option than to respond itself immediately with a parallel WTO challenge of US government support to US aerospace industry (i.e. Boeing) by Federal, State and local authorities, including benefits to Boeing under the so-called US Foreign Sales Corporation Scheme, which the US government had continued to provide to Boeing, despite these subsidies having repeatedly been found to violate WTO rules.

These two parallel WTO challenges, the "Airbus case" (DS 316: the US challenge of EU support for Airbus) and the "Boeing case" (DS 353: the EU challenge of US support to Boeing), despite having been initiated on the same day (6 October 2004), have followed different timetables due to a number of delays at the WTO. In the "Airbus case", the WTO panel made its report public on 30 June 2010 whereas in the "Boeing case", the panel only issued its final public report on 31 March 2011.

As a result of the delays of the DS 353 panel, there is now close to a year's gap between the two WTO proceedings, a fact which the EU has continuously expressed its dissatisfaction with. On 23 July 2010 the EU appealed the panel's findings in DS316 and these proceedings are expected to be completed in the first half of 2011.
For further information

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ascertaining a new level of Black Consciousness!

TBR - Leighton Bradford, Editor-in-Chief
The argument for divine revelation, no matter the position with Jesus, moved his 
spirit and commentary to a different level of consciousness. A spirit that is akin to a righteous awakening. Biblical text described a true minister at the height of Greco-Roman decadence. To be aware of your culture or heritage is important in combating prejudice. You may draw similarities in regards to the contemporary issues that ensue.

 The bible enables every human beings existence. Another item of concern is the desire to not support homosexuality, predicated on a Christian belief.  “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable.  They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads” (Leviticus, 20:15).  The more recent ban on same sex marriage by California; rescinds individuals with alternative life styles. The act seemingly aligns a cause with Black Consciousness. The feminizing of a young Black male becomes tragic. Heterosexual values must be protected.  The Black family structure is under attack, thus, an alignment with this burgeoning lifestyle is not productive.

Tavis Smiley mentions accountability within his broadcast. A light went off in my head! Tavis should hold PBS accountable; and we should hold Mr. Smiley accountable. Entrenched elitism and the lack of opportunities, allow for subtle oppression.  E. Franklin Frazier described these cats as the ultimate illusionist; their God is materialism, opportunity, and social status, once removed from their Blackness.  As long as there are enough crumbs, their cool like that. Education without the opportunity is useless.   If you noticed how awkward Clarence Thomas appeared during the inauguration.  It would seem that safe African-Americans benefit from the peaceful warriors and thinkers of their presumed race ;moreover, not having achieved the same ideal in kind.

 I offer the reader African-Americans who have sacrificed for Blacks and humanity in general; Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Ida B. Wells, so forth and so on.  Ida B. Wells published a newspaper denouncing the lynchings of that particular period. Several individuals have attempted to keep resources scarce.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did not sacrifice his life so we could buy a “SUV”.  The African bourgeoisie must elevate their political activity.

 Europeans have sacrificed their lives and freedom for our benefit.  Wilber Force utilized discourse to influence a powerful British empire, eventually ending slavery.  A number of protestant denominations assisted African-Americans within the Underground Railroad. Various European led faiths such as the Presbyterian, Quakers, Rev. John Brown (Harper’s Ferry) and the like.   Many Europeans have died in an effort to promote the rights of individuals of African descent.   The civil war was fought to end chattel servitude.  The south must be resurrected from its past. Recognizing all aspects of humanity, becomes a crucial evolutionary step towards parity.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

“Hegemonic Destabilization”

TBR - Leighton Bradford, Editor-in-Chief
The United Nations, along with Russia, France, and China had reservations about the war in Iraq. Diplomacy is an art reluctantly used by certain leaders. It requires patience, and the acquired skill of social responsibility. Meaning, leaders must be held accountable for their ideals and principles, which affect the lives of so many people. Society can no longer afford to isolate their place within the global community. Human misery and strife are just an internet away. Former President Carter’s visit to Cuba set the tone for political conciliation. President Carter, one of my heroes, understood the need to push an agenda responsive to at least, a bilateral agreement. Some criticized Carter for visiting a country deemed our enemy. Even jazz great Wynton Marsalis, understands the need to separate humane gestures, from politics.

Open dialogue diffuses a potentially volatile situation, but it does not remove displaced anger completely. It gives an entity time to reflect, on presumed points of contention. We now live in a world shaped by the ensuing N.B.C.’s (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical). The issue is forced; with these terrible threats, looming large within our society. We must not usurp our Constitutional Rights, in an effort to provide security to a nation. None of this was implemented during the Oklahoma City federal building bombing. U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, should identify the Klan as a domestic terrorist sponsoring entity as well. Discerning and logical debate promote human expression, stifled by indifferent isolationism. A world power must concede the ultimate threat, when chosen to govern and lead a group of individuals. Our borders (United States of America) should be defended with the greatest of resolve! Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California, have a constitutional right to defend themselves against an opposing threat.

The ever-humane benefit of the doubt focuses on the humility of a methodic politician. When seeking the truth, irrefutable evidence should be confirmed, not mere conjecture or supremacist tactics. Politics aside, the preservation of human life should be of the utmost of importance. Each point of contention should be managed, as though a corporation. A referential leader will attempt to exhaust every ethical means of conflict resolution. If flanked by an obvious actual threat, the severity of the act, along with discerning, who was involved, allows for closure in a given situation. This minimizes the resentment of reactionary policies. The term “Hegemonic Destabilization” refers to a powerful nation treating his global neighbors in a condescending manner. Our fellow human beings should never be taken for granted. We must defend our borders within the framework of the constitution. As a veteran of “Desert Storm” I understand the horrors of war. Further, I understand there are no victors within a nuclear war! Nations identified as rogue states, constitute a need for awareness, but not a reactionary effort. Who are we to be chastising countries, as though they are children? We are not a paternal entity responsible for our global offspring. “Hegemonic Destabilization” confounds an already volatile situation. Open dialogue diffuses an ultimately deadly scenario. Peace and prosperity should be the general legacy left to our children. A bit of irony must be attributed to a presumed democracy not embracing democracy, in an effort to resolve a matter. [Relative commentary reflective of Bush administration]

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Introducing the Hip Hop Generation! “If we don’t keep going, rap will continue to be drafted into the capitalist world, the crack world, the prison industrial complex.”

TBR -- Courtesy The Black Commentator 
{content is intellectual property of The Black Commentator}
We need a national agenda to make sure that our community has more than music and style. We can’t continue to do bootleg activism. We’ve got to do institutional activism, creating media outlets that will push our propaganda.
 – Jeff Johnson, America Votes youth coordinator and commentator for BET’s “Rap City”
“We’re all activists. The question is, what are we active for? Are we active to forward a rightwing agenda in America, or are we active for liberation?”
 – Rosa Clemente, co-founder, National Hip Hop Political Convention (NHHPC)
“Just as the Christian Coalition tapped into an existing infrastructure of conservative churches, we as a hip hop generation are tapping into an existing infrastructure that has been created by the hip hop movement.”
 – Bakari Kitwana, author and co-founder, NHHPC
American capitalism markets everything it can package and discards or mangles the rest. As a result, most “information” found in the marketplace is, by definition, disinformation – a “product” molded to suit a transaction, containing no reliable connection to the truth.
In the absence of a mass Black political movement, the generation born after 1965 has been named for the culture it created, rather than – as with the preceding generation – the political goals for which they fought. Hip hop culture, the miraculous invention of Black and Latino youth, is now marketed to the world by five multinational corporations. The social “reality” and political worldview of an entire generation (now going on two generations) has been packaged for sale to both its creators and the larger market: the planet.
Having been commercially defined as a raw demographic – a cohort of customers and product-modelers – the hip hop generation stares into a mirror that has been purposely cracked and deformed for somebody else’s profit. Its activists, as brilliant as any produced at any time or place in history – and intent, like all healthy young humans, on changing the world – find that they must first confront the marketed version of themselves.
The 3,000 young people who attended the National Hip Hop Political Convention in Newark, New Jersey, June 16-20, were determined to define themselvesthrough a politics of struggle – to begin to redraw the map of the world through the prisms of their own experience.
“We are here today as young people under the hip hop umbrella,” said Ras Baraka, the 34-year-old Deputy Mayor of Newark, New Jersey, and one of the organizers of the event. “Politics is about the seizure of power,” Baraka told the crowd.  “Some of us don’t understand what that means. Our kids think that seizing power is standing on a corner and doing the things they usually do.” Each of the 500 official delegates from 17 states had registered 50 voters to earn the right to represent their generation.
Baraka, who is also an assistant public school principal, doesn’t show up on the Right’s short list of hip hop generation “leaders.” By cynically misinterpreting polling data that show Black youth to be increasingly estranged from the Democratic Party (see November 21, 2002), and through relentless national media exposure of young, corporate-sponsored Black politicians, the Right attempts to package the hip hop generation as essentially more “conservative” than its elders. The darlings of the Right include Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford, 34, the Democratic Leadership Council’s most prominent voice in the Congressional Black Caucus, and Cory Booker, the 35-year-old former Newark Councilman who, with the backing of the national conservative political and funding network, nearly captured City Hall in 2002.
What the conservatives prove is that the current younger generation contains its share of opportunists – just as did the last generation, and the one before that. But opportunists only show up when they get paid, and represent nothing but the finances of their sugar daddies. The National Hip Hop Political Convention had no deep-pocket sponsors, yet it succeeded on the strength of the organizers’ peer credibility, and the near-universal desire among Black youth to overturn the status quo.
Continuity of struggle
So vacuous has American political discourse become, that corporate spin-makers posing as journalists find it possible to produced 24-hour news cycles that reveal nothing at all except the political preferences of media owners. The mass marketing of attitudes and styles in place of issues and substance, seeks to drain the language, itself, of the capacity to resist power. A generation of Black youth that is imprisoned in astronomical numbers is simultaneously deployed as lifestyle models for the privileged, prison-immune classes – mass-produced insanity on its face. Yet in the continuity of Black struggle, people and truths “crushed to earth” inevitably rise again to confront oppression.
“I believe that we are in this room because some slave willedus here,” said Rev. Osagyefo Sekou, the 30-something Executive Director of New York Common Ground, and a mover-and-shaker of the convention. “We need a living wage for everyone. I call that a moral question.”
Moral people seek to end injustice, mass media’s truly taboo topic. Only by relentless avoidance of the continuity ofinjustices against Black people can the media create the impression of vast chasms between Black generations.
“Get the foot of oppression off our necks.” From the hip hop perspective, 54-year-old Rev. Calvin Butts, of Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church, qualifies as an elder. Yet his irreducible demand, delivered at a Town Hall meeting on the first full day of the convention, was identical to that of his hip hop audience. Many were aware of Butts’ history of broad brush criticism of hip hop culture.  However, in the context of a shared struggle against historical oppression, differences shrink. “Organizing must be done around a moral core. That moral core must respect all of us – our women, our children, our elders,” said the preacher. “Without a moral core, the revolution is wiped out.”
Who would argue with that?
Rich corporations mass-market immorality (after all, they are the only ones who can), and then label their products as authentic representations of hip hop generation morals. Righteously, the organizers of the Newark convention gave primacy to the morality of struggle – to the chapter and verse of resistance.
A secular elder, Ron Daniels, currently Executive Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights and a prime mover in over three decades of Black political conventions, showed the seamless connections between culture, morality, and politics. “Art must be functional and committed,” said Daniels. “This generation must come to the forefront and lead us to change America.” Nevertheless, “We cannot, in the name of ‘realness,’ denigrate ourselves.”
“Denigration” was the last thing on these young people’s minds. At the core of the convention were perhaps a thousand committed activists – ranging from seasoned, 30-something veterans to promising neophytes – who have the potential to do great damage to the powers-that-be.
Fight the Power
In what now seems the Golden Age of socially conscious hip hop, Public Enemy’s Chuck D demanded that his audiences “fight the powers that be.” Born in 1960, Chuck D and his peers, the inventors of the culture, are the political and chronological links between the so-called “Black Power” and hip hop generations. Currently a host on radio’s Air America network, Chuck D recalled the suppression of hip hop. “From 1979 to 1992, there was a sheer abandonment [of hip hop music by Black radio programmers],” he said. They banned it.”
During that period, hip hop broke out of the neighborhoods and fueled the founding of a host of independent (mostly white-owned) record labels – an explosion of musical creativityand social commentary of all kinds. But not until the early Nineties, after mega-corporations moved to swallow up the genre, did Black-programmed radio embrace the music of Black youth. Programmers ponderously intoned that hip hop fans were too young to attract advertisers, that they were not a valuable demographic – an amazing claim, since the R & B music that carried Black radio to new heights in the Sixties was also the music of youth. But many in the hip hop industry understood the real deal: Black programmers were afraid of projecting a street “image.” Essentially, hip hop had an intra-Black, class problem. Don Cornelius wouldn’t touch it, even though his “Soul Train” TV audience skewed to the younger demos.
In one of the great ironies of African American cultural history, Black radio finally embraced hip hop in the early Nineties – precisely when the huge corporate record labels shifted to gangsta rap. Industry researchers discovered that hip hop’s most “active” consumer base was composed of 12- and 13-year-olds – tweens – a cohort that is drawn to repetitive profanity and, not having reached the sexual pairing-off stage of development, revels in misogyny.  Artists and recordings (A & R) executives put great pressure on rap acts to become more “real” – a word that became a euphemism for egregiously profane and abusive language. In no time at all, the industry began churning out music geared primarily to younger juveniles. Black radio, which had had such a problem with hip hop before the corporate-guided ascendance of gangsta rap, dived into the cesspool with wild enthusiasm. The airwaves became filled with edits, bleeps and audio interruptions that did nothing to hide the “denigrating” content.
Black middle-class propriety was trumped by the servile imperative to follow the (white) corporate leader. No one can measure the accumulated arrested development afflicting youngsters raised on a profane corporate formula designed for tweens.
New Times, New Tasks
However, the music industry’s version of “real” hasn’t blotted out reality for the entirety of the hip hop generation. Mutulu, of Dead Prez, sees the world, clearly. “We gotta keep going,” he urged the Newark convention. “If we don’t keep going, rap will continue to be drafted into the capitalist world, the crack world, the prison industrial complex.”

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Parker: Homosexual behavior morally unacceptable

(TBR) Contributor-Star Parker is president of CURE, Center for Urban Renewal and Education ( E-mail her at
Our 111th Congress, in its lame duck session, has given America a Christmas present in the way of repeal of the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” law.
Signing the repeal into law, President Barack Obama said he’s “never been prouder.”
From my point of view, I’m feeling increasingly like a minority in our country. Not because I’m black, but because I am a Christian.
As a Christian, I believe in the truth of traditional morality as transmitted to us through our biblical sources. And I believe, along with George Washington, who stated this clearly in his farewell address to the nation, that religion and traditional morality are critical to the maintenance of our free society.
Homosexual behavior is unacceptable by these moral standards.
I also see no clash between this conviction and individuals being free and taking personal responsibility for living as they choose in our free country.
But private behavior and public sanction are different matters.
Our military is a quintessentially public institution. Its acceptance of behavior unacceptable by traditional moral standards means official public sanction of this behavior and, in my view, this is a big mistake.
Support from public opinion drove repeal of this law.
Gallup showed 67 percent supporting repeal and a Washington Post/ABC poll showed support as strong as 77 percent.
Behind this is ongoing change in public sentiment regarding the moral acceptability of homosexual behavior. Just 10 years ago, 53 percent said it was not morally acceptable and 40 percent said it was. Today this has flipped to 52 percent saying it is morally acceptable and 43 percent saying it’s not.
Yet, at the same time that Americans are increasingly at ease with homosexual behavior, the public says that the nation is not in good moral shape.
According to a Gallup poll in May, three times as many — 45 percent — say the country is in poor moral condition as those — 15 percent — who say it’s in excellent/good moral condition.
And, 76 percent say the moral state of the nation is getting worse compared to 14 percent who say it’s getting better.
What’s going on?
First, Americans are becoming more prone to believe that individuals cannot take personal responsibility for their sexual behavior. Thirty-six percent believe today that homosexual behavior is genetically determined compared to 14 percent who believed this 40 years ago. Second, our sense of the meaning of morality has become relative and ambiguous.
When asked, in the same Gallup poll, for the principal reason that the moral condition of the nation is worsening, the greatest response — 15 percent — was “disrespect for others.” Only 2 percent said teen pregnancy, 3 percent homosexuality, 3 percent abortion, and 7 percent breakdown of family/unwed mothers.
When asked for the principal reason that our moral condition is improving, the largest response — 25 percent — was “better understanding about other people and cultures/more diversity/less racism.”
It should be clear that what is happening is that any prevailing sense that there are objective standards for right and wrong is disappearing and that this is being displaced with a relativism and nihilism that values nothing other than tolerance of everything.
As Americans increasingly believe that behavior that traditional morality prohibits is genetically determined, the perceived seriousness of traditional religion and values becomes marginalized.
Obama said that repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” “will strengthen our national security.”
I cannot think of anything more dangerous to our national security and the ongoing strength of our nation than the collapse of our sense that there are objective rights and wrongs. When we sanction ourselves to make everything up, who can the God that our Declaration of Independence refers to possibly be?
Why should Americans take the words of our Constitution, that are a few hundred years old, seriously when we dismiss the truths of words that are thousands of years old?
Star Parker is president of CURE, Center for Urban Renewal and Education ( E-mail her at

Friday, December 3, 2010

Soul Solace by Leighton Bradford (excerpt from book)
Nima will now be introduced; Malik’s lady, cute, and loves her some Malik. Malik and Nima are engaged to be married. Nima is terribly funny, the life of the party; W.T. likes Nima listen, “Malik is that my button, ask her where her mama is?” He also likes her fine as wine mother, Black women are like wine, and the older they get the more robust da flava? A mystery that adjust to her abrupt surrounding. Nima is sassy, yet delicate as the soft petal of a flower. Her purpose remains ahead no doubt, her obstacles a few behind. Ever present faith, not a shame to confess her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Malik and Nima are the quote, unquote salt of the earth. Both were raised down south; mostly collard greens and ribs, and a whole lot of love. Nima, Nima go ahead with ya bad self; moreover, the host of men track her essence, that sistah you dream of, too good to be true, so similar to mama. A distinct persona, with the ability to change the hearts of men. Said memory stays a little while, it lounges, it rests just so. Brother down the street likes what he envisions. Nima is no different in many regards, than say Sage or Mandee; you just have to be there to understand! Malik, my man is playing Anita Baker, her melody plays like a distant memory. He has love on his mind, as the music prepares your soul for deliverance.

As the chords play out ever so softly, life is contemplated, his place in it, and the girl of your dreams. Heaven has paid us a visit, so it seems. Every time you think of that thing that keeps you tossing and turning at night; restless is the desire, restless. Malik sits down and writes Nima a poem:

Singular purpose and my mind glides around your thoughts.

Speak tenderness, perpetual love thang no doubt.

There are no boundaries for our midst.

So the visual aspects of flesh adhering to one another.

Clean line struck to silence, because my love it’s all about you.

Wasted motions; presumed humanity, waning act of unadulterated caress.

I may vibe female menagerie, caught up in the movement, on the second hand analogy, to the sheer vision that lies before me. Placement of my hand towards the small of her back, til’ round midnight I will let go.

Because my love it’s all about you

Hope to change the world with what God reveals to my soul. I just can’t take it anymore. The depths of misery known to all brothers’ whom and have loved. Don’t let her know tho, she will have you in the palm of her hand. Then she said, “Hear me Blackman it’s all about you.”

Tight curves on an anatomy that is heavily endowed. Clandestine touch reaching on the fringe of a pause. A slowing effect on a couples overall surreal occupation. Rhythm and sounds alleviates the refrain. Formulated continuum for us to enjoy. Elevated mind; because obviously its love!

All Rights Reserved Intellectual Property Of Leighton Bradford (BE)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

No Graven Images

TBR--Memphis, TN--Leighton Bradford, Editor-in-Chief
 I wonder if when Moses came down from the mountain, with the Ten Commandments,
would there be the following reaction. Jesus Christ! A seventy-two foot statue of liberty, holding a cross!
Moses probably would be taken a back from the experience. An implicit intrigue started to build. Had they
applied for a permit? Was the permit necessary for this venture? You know, all of the pertinent concerns
regarding a distinctly placed monument. A local church in Memphis erected the monument. What may we
ask a monument towards? According to biblical text; Aaron was charged with holding it down, while Moses
prostrated his existence to God. The Israelites were doing a number of things they had no business doing.
Erecting a graven image unto another deity became an identified wrong.

Mega churches are taking the act of faith to another level. These seemingly corporate entities operate more like a business, rather than ensuring their parishioners, a transcended soul. Dr. King’s legacy eclipse most evangelical clergy. Some may suggest falling short of an implicit dream. High finance and materialism seem to be the way churches define their mission. Whose responsibility is it to deal with poverty, illness, crime and oppression? Obviously salvation must exist, within the endless depths of the offering plate. Religion may very well be the opiate of the people. Hell, fire, and brimstone, and the ministers laying there hand on you. Do ministers have a social responsibility in regards to humanity? Some would argue; social degradation impedes life, similar to a defective compact disc. Memphis is where Dr. King took his last breath. The civil rights movement seems a fading distant memory to a few. Coffee shop patrons discuss sub-prime loans, increased debt, and falling short of presumed souls touched. So many individuals seem to lack hope and understanding.

"These ravening wolves in Shepard’s garb,” a timeless quote, but what is the meaning? Memphis seems to cling to the haunting effect of the antebellum south. Once removed from a conscious understanding of who they are, and their role within society. The power of Egypt is vanquished, and held hostage, by apathy and indifference of the plight of there fellow human beings. A shrine erected towards egoism, or is it truly a humble offering towards a belief. The past administration promoted a faith based initiative. Tele-evangelism purports salvation through tuned in media; however, what do you get for your buck? Steel, concrete, glass and an obliged pulpit; thus, pressuring deacons to solicit contributions towards the building fund. An apparent take on media personalities may have humble intentions. At least that is what they started out to do. While attending one of these Mega Churches, I noticed an uneasiness about the vague message, handed down by the second string minister. I explained to my friend, it seems to be an abrupt program. A certain pew warehoused the sanctified folk; moreover, each of them hung on every word of their presumed spiritual teacher. Some individuals may seek a universal truth irregardless of where the message comes from. I went to what appeared to be a conscious rally, and it had the same pseudo-panther rhetoric. It was held at an institute named after famed Black Nationalist, Marcus Moziah Garvey. The old standbys of the man are the fundamental root of the problem, along with racial epitaphs. These extremes come across as if they represent the cross section of humanity. Well there seem to be a number of graven images outside of faith. I imagine churches will soon accept credit cards. You know saving souls has an overhead.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Creating parity within international trade with China!

TBR -- Washington D.C. L. Bradford Editor-in-Chief
Whenever you’re at home, look around at what might be a manufactured good. Let’s start with your kitchen! Go and pick up any electronic device and find out where it was made? Chances are it was manufactured in China. With the U.S. economy bordering on a historical depression. Unemployment and foreclosures are at record highs, thus, the need for financial due diligence becomes apparent. Japan filed a WTO complaint in regards to Ontario’s local-content policy. Canada requires 50% of exported goods be made in Canada. Senator Charles E. Schumer [D, NY] has expressed to the august body he represents, the trouble with an economic stimulus going to foreign business.

China is a declared communist regime! The Nixon administration was credited for opening modern diplomatic relations with the sleeping giant. The inner city classmate majoring in Chinese, I went to college with, becomes a profound gesture. She had the insight to take advantage of the awakening power of U.S.-Sino relations. Some would denounce creating a more favorable U.S. tariff with China as protectionism! There are elements within the U.S., that consider trade deficits an attack on national security. What if one day China told the U.S. not to pursue an embargo on a terrorist sponsoring nation; at least not until they finalize a trade deal? The Wheeler-Lea Act of 1938, enabled the FTC the ability to suppress unfair trade practices, whether unfair to competitors or consumers. "Trading with the enemy act of Oct.6, 1917"; May be an attributed point of reference as well.

Keeping the American worker gainfully employed should not be a conservative or liberal agenda, but a U.S. agenda. As recent college graduates raise their hand patiently within the opportunity lecture; a cautionary tail arises with proponents of skilled workers afforded work visas, while companies fail to demand efficient HR recruitment practices. Devoid of xenophobia, there are a multitude of highly skilled workers right here in the U.S.. Foreign investment affects the average American in so many different ways. China has saturated our country with cheap goods. There is a direct correlation of the wares pricing, and its competitive effect upon U.S. manufacturing. The working class American is forced to accept low wages associated with the Sino on our overall GDP and the U.S. worker.  NFTA created parity for Mexican citizens, but not blue collar American workers! You don't have to fight a conventional war with the U.S., when you can undermine there economy. The rust belt understands the dynamics of of a bad trade initiative. When you control how U.S. citizens acquire gas or convient services, you undermine mom and pop stores through out the U.S. 

 Should the FTC/SEC collaborate with the State Department and NSA in a more deliberate manner? Further; as it relates to quantifiers of foreign invbestment, Threat Levels [National Security], and Trade Deficits, which just hit $1.3 trillion? Globalization will contend with protectionism; until the WTO, and foreign regimes, begin to create parity along all lines of global trade. My former boss comments lend to the aforementioned subject matter, ”I started CGI in 2005 to help turn good intentions into real action and results” William J. Clinton, 42nd President of the United States. Wal-Mart is involved with CGI. Wal-Mart is a company that relies on China for a number of manufacturing goals.