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Monday, April 17, 2017

5 Misconceptions About Economic Bubbles And People Who Warn About Them

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Stop the Raids!


RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act of 1970) laws were initially designed to prosecute powerful organized crime syndicates like the Mafia. Over the past few years, RICO has been used to excessively charge young people of color from low-income neighborhoods as if they were gangsters.

Click here to sign this petition to Congress:


We are asking you to act now to #ReformRICO and stop prosecutors from using these federal laws, originally designed to take down the Mob, to score easy convictions against poor communities of color. Innocent teens and young adults are often forced to take plea deals when faced with first-degree conspiracy counts on which they can face a maximum of 25-years-to-life in prison.

The overwhelming majority of those charged never see trial. RICO laws are disastrous and have ruined lives, torn apart families and contributed to the enormous racial inequities we have come to expect with mass incarceration.

Click here to add your name.

Trump's inaugural pledge for "law and order" is coded messaging to law enforcement agencies, both local and federal, that will empower them to continue their abusive, racialized policing. This will mean more arrests and more incarceration at a time when America should be moving away from needless punishment of Blacks and Latinos.

Collaboration between local police departments and federal law enforcement in large, military-style "gang" raids have been cheered on by sensationalized media reports. The reports describe these young men as all being dangerous and part of organized criminal enterprises -- which they were not.

Over the past few years we have seen the emergence of a bipartisan consensus for criminal and civil justice reforms. Movements are growing across our nation urging legislators to change unfair laws that hurt families and communities of color. A wasted $80 billion a year spent on prisons actually dehumanizes inmates, many of whom are detained in inhumane conditions, some tortured in solitary confinement and denied visits or communication with their families.

Sign this petition, spearheaded by family members of those charged with RICO.

After signing the petition, please use the tools on the next webpage to share it with your friends.

This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $3 now.

-- The Team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.

 Blowing The Whistle On Drones

As one of the very few drone whistleblowers in the world, Cian Westmoreland needs and deserves our support.

Cian is the first recipient of the Drone Whistleblower Fellowship. In the past he was a U.S. Air Force technician who worked on the drone program. Now he takes to heart a statement by Martin Luther King Jr. that remains crucial in 2017: “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.”

Please support the work of Cian Westmoreland by making a tax-deductible contribution to the Drone Fellowship Program of the RootsAction Education Fund.

Speaking clearly about compelling moral issues, Cian offers a blunt perspective on the U.S. drone war: “In this war on terror, we have become terror. Drones are heartless by design, and the act of killing through them can become routine and bureaucratic.”

Cian reports: “I have been connecting, speaking, writing and helping where I can all over Europe.” He has put in a lot of time in Germany, which hosts U.S. military bases directly involved in the drone war.

When Cian speaks out, he is educating activists, journalists, elected officials and the general public. In early winter, for instance, he spoke to 3,000 “hackers and hacktivists” from around the world at the huge Chaos Communications Congress in Hamburg. There he addressed “the Global Assassination Grid.”

At the Hamburg conference, “I spoke of the various layers of dehumanizing elements in the drone program to include the structural, political, and psychological. It was not only understood but well received. A professor of mathematics at Cambridge University approached me afterward and said that he’s noticed the problem of students not connecting their work to real life, and that my talk inspired him to go back and show my speech to them.”

It’s far from easy, living out of a suitcase, far from home, doing this kind of work. The pressures are severe, and the resources are thin. Please help Cian Westmoreland keep going with a tax-deductible donation to the Drone Fellowship program.

It’s vital for Cian to be doing what he’s doing at this time. As he explains: “Germany is now getting prepared for Trump’s world, and Germans are now at a point where they are discussing the need to take a normative stance against Trump’s stance on Muslims and the brutal war strategy of annihilation that the Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, is promising.”

Cian adds: “It appears that Germany is now deciding how they will work with the United States. Will they be compliant or will they resist?

Meanwhile, Cian is also engaged in public outreach elsewhere in Europe, most crucially in the U.K. and Italy where two other critical pieces of the global drone infrastructure are based.

We hope that you’ll keep supporting Cian Westmoreland’s important work as a drone whistleblower. You can show support now by making a donation to the Drone Whistleblower Fellowship.

For Cian, stepping forward as a whistleblower has been very difficult -- and morally imperative.

Now, your tax-deductible contribution -- in solidarity with Cian Westmoreland’s whistleblowing work -- is needed to support the first Drone Whistleblower Fellowship.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Hidden Dimension-An Inside View On The Reality Of Inner City African America

TBR-Steve B. Lofton, contributor
If Hillary Clinton wins the upcoming Presidential Election the Black underclass is doomed! Just like Hillary Clinton our Black Democratic Leadership also has no respect for our laws from President Barrack H. Obama all the way down through the local level. Is this a Nation of laws or not? Yet and unfortunately this phenomenon also holds true for our Black middle-class like Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, and talk show host Larry Elder etc. who express their views from the right side of the political spectrum without an understanding.The result is a lawless inner-city African America headed toward its own total self destruction.
     I studied at the Los Angeles University of Hard Knocks for almost a lifetime. The courses heaped upon me there forced me to finally accept the truth about the nature of my own African-American leadership; political, social, and religious despite my great unwillingness to do so and the facts. It may be the reason many black people remain poised to cry racism at every turn. I come from both a unique and odd experience. Yet I have no criminal record which is a rarity when it comes to black men although I've been jailed many times. Our almost entirely Democratic Party affiliated African-American leadership has attempted to resolve all of our problems through the welfare system for the past half-century.

Its consequence has been the total annihilation of the African-American family. This practice by my own leadership consequently even gave birth to the Los Angeles gangs known as the Crips and the Bloods the byproducts of broken black female led homes. The African-American so called educated middle-class has failed to pull its weight for it allowed this leadership to continue to exist unchecked making me wonder if they are functionally illiterate. Is not the purpose of education still to build your community? For the black middle-class education serves them to flee the Black community believing somehow they can solve the problems of everyone else rather than to take notice of those facing their own kind.The timing finally seems right to publish the Hidden Dimension for Americans are angered by their

 Washington based politicians on both sides of the isle where our President Barrack Hussein Obama sits center stage. The world has now gotten a glimpse of this African-American President and the same unmerited black middle-class arrogance about self that we within the inner-city have existed beneath for half a century. You just can't reach them up there in the ivory towers of government or their various offices where they have caused the total breakdown of law on the civil side of the system within the inner-city then retire to the white suburbs where they live at the end of the day.There are African-Americans within the inner-city who have asked themselves how on earth is it that we have fared so miserably beneath our own kind? My book The Hidden Dimension documents the answer to that question. At the age of 60 years old I am a first time newlywed to Estella Louise Lofton and we live within the inner-city of City of Los Angeles, California. The Hidden Dimension                

Monday, August 15, 2016

Simon Reeve, operated a ‘drone’ in breach of CAA New Zealand rules sentenced.

Drone sentencing a ‘beacon of awareness’
for new aviation rules – CAA
At Kaiapoi, on 5 January 2015, Simon Reeve operated a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) in a

control zone in close proximity to a helicopter conducting firefighting duties over the Pines Beach


The helicopter pilot was not aware that the RPAS was operating in his proximity. Further RPAS

flights were carried out over a beach fire at the same location on 20 January. The Civil Aviation

Authority (CAA) decided to prosecute the drone pilot.

CAA General Manager - General Aviation, Steve Moore said CAA’s decision to prosecute three

charges was based on the following factors:

· Seriousness of the offending;

· Serious risk of harm;

· Breach of Section 44 of the Civil Aviation Act 1990 [Dangerous activity involving aircraft] Civil

Aviation Rule 101.13 X 2 [Hazardous Operations]

On 6 May 2015 the District Court Judge, G S MacAskill, found Mr Reeve guilty on all 3 charges. Today

Judge MacAskill sentenced Mr Reeve to make a $500 payment to charity and discharged him

without conviction on the charge of unnecessary endangerment. He was sentenced to pay a $250

fine for each of the other charges of flying a model aircraft in controlled airspace without Air Traffic

Control clearance.

“The CAA respects the decision of the court and considers that any penalty in this case, irrespective

of the conditions of the sentence, provides a very clear signal to RPA (drone) operators that they

need to follow rules that are in place to ensure the safety of all.

“These are not toys, they are a new form of aircraft and need to be treated with respect and flown

responsibly,” Mr Moore said.

Mr Moore continued “This case has become a beacon of awareness of the new RPAS (drone) rules

that came into effect last August.”

“This outcome should come as a timely reminder to all RPAS users – fly within the rules. And think of

others when your unit is in the sky.” He said.
look up RPAS (
Intending or new drone operators are advised to check the
or CAA website and Contact: Mike Richards, Manager Corporate Communications (Media phone 0800 222 697)








Wednesday, May 18, 2016

U.S. Senate approved the Whistleblower Appreciation Day Resolution.

This month the U.S. Senate approved the Whistleblower Appreciation Day Resolution. But if the government had put you in prison for telling the truth about torture, you probably wouldn’t feel appreciated.

As CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou says, that Senate resolution is “no joke.” When whistleblowers reveal grim secrets that the public needs to know for the sake of democracy, the government’s goal is not only to punish -- “it's to ruin, professionally, personally, and financially.”

John served two years in prison for shedding light on the CIA’s torture program -- a steep price for telling the truth about some awful consequences of undemocratic power. NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake has also paid a steep price. They need your help!

With vindictive prosecutions, the government wrecked their personal finances.
Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation now. Half of every dollar will go directly to John and Tom, while the other half will go to the Whistleblowers Public Education Campaign that they co-chair.

Below are some comments from John and Tom.

John Kiriakou:

“The United States Senate in July passed the Whistleblower Appreciation Day Resolution. No joke. Senate Whistleblower Protection Caucus chairman Senator Chuck Grassley said that the resolution would designate July 30, 2016 as a day to recognize ‘the role whistleblowers play in shining a light on fraud, waste, and abuse... Workers who come forward to report fraud or misconduct in their agencies are frequently punished by their superiors for simply telling the truth. These brave citizens should not be penalized, they should be praised.’

Somebody should tell the Justice Department. The War on Whistleblowers has been a hallmark of the Obama Administration’s judicial policy. Legitimate whistleblowers are charged under the Espionage Act, a draconian law meant to punish traitors and spies, not truth tellers. Leakers with political connections or who are friends of the President get a pass. The goal is not just to punish. It’s to ruin, professionally, personally, and financially.

“Still we went into this with our eyes open. It might sound crazy, but we would blow the whistle again. We don't need the Senate's ‘appreciation.’ What we need is for the Justice Department to respect the laws already on the books, to support whistleblowers exposing waste, fraud, abuse, and illegality.

“Over to you, Tom.”

Tom Drake:

“Congress has yet to invite John or myself in front of Congress to testify before any committee regarding our whistleblowing on torture and mass surveillance, respectively. We both came forward at great risk and to this day are the only two people who have paid a very high price for exposing government wrongdoing and criminal conduct regarding these two state-sponsored programs.

“Prosecuting whistleblowers under the Espionage Act sends a most chilling message to anybody who dares to expose critical information on government conduct vital to the public interest done in the name (and under the cover) of National Security.

“Our whistleblowing turned our lives upside down. It will take years for us to recover from the ordeal of the government criminally prosecuting both of us as vindictive and malicious punishment for exposing their criminal conduct involving torture and mass surveillance.

“We would not break faith with the Constitution. We upheld our oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic (including our own government), faithfully serving our country in the line of duty at the CIA and the NSA -- even when our agencies didn’t and wouldn’t.

“We are eyewitnesses to the dark side of history. It is the truth tellers and the whistleblowers who are key to sounding the alarm and holding our own government to account. Please support our education campaign to get the word out that informs the public and holds up a mirror to those in power who abuse power.

“Thank you for your continuing support.

Jesselyn Radack, The New York Times: "Whistleblowers Deserve Protection Not Prison"
The Huffington Post: "The One Man Jailed for CIA Torture Tried to Expose It"
Jane Mayer, The New Yorker: Thomas Drake -- "The Secret Sharer"

Grass Roots Organization RootsAction-Questions U.S. Foreign Policy
Since the end of the Cold War, the United States of America has systematically violated the prohibition against the threat or use of force contained in the UN Charter and the Kellogg Briand Pact. It has carved out a regime of impunity for its crimes based on its UN Security Council veto, non-recognition of international courts and sophisticated "information warfare" that undermines the rule of law with political justifications for otherwise illegal threats and uses of force.

                                    Former Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin B. Ferencz has compared current U.S. policy to the illegal German "preemptive first strike" policy for which senior German officials were convicted of aggression at Nuremberg and sentenced to death by hanging.

                                    In 2002, the late U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy described post-September 11th U.S. doctrine as "a call for 21st century American imperialism that no other nation can or should accept." And yet the U.S. government has succeeded in assembling alliances and ad hoc "coalitions" to support threats and attacks on a series of targeted countries, while other countries have stood by silently or vacillated in their efforts to uphold international law. In effect, the U.S. has pursued a successful diplomatic policy of "divide and conquer" to neutralize global opposition to wars that have killed about 2 million people and plunged country after country into intractable chaos.

As representatives of civil society in the United States, the undersigned U.S. citizens and advocacy groups are sending this emergency appeal to our neighbors in our increasingly interconnected but threatened world. We ask you to stop providing military, diplomatic or political support for U.S. threats or uses of force; and to support new initiatives for multilateral cooperation and leadership, not dominated by the United States, to respond to aggression and settle international disputes peacefully as required by the UN Charter.

We pledge to support and cooperate with international efforts to stand up to and stop our country's systematic aggression and other war crimes. We believe that a world united to uphold the UN Charter, the rule of international law and our common humanity can and must enforce U.S. compliance with the rule of law to bring lasting peace to the world we all share.

This petition will be sent to all the world's national governments.

Click here to sign as an individual.

Click here to sign as an organization that you are authorized to sign on behalf of.

After signing the petition, please use the tools on the next webpage to share it with your friends.

This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $3 now.

-- The Team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.